Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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When reading of "the last transformation," let the reader consider at this juncture, if that took place 18,000,000 years ago,<br />

how many millions more it must have required to reach that final stage? And if man, in his gradual consolidation,<br />

developed pari passu with the earth, how many millions of years must have elapsed during the First, Second, and the first<br />

half of the Third Race? For the Earth was in a comparatively ethereal condition before it reached its last consolidated<br />

state; the archaic teachings, moreover, telling us that, during the middle period of the Lemuro-Atlantean Race, three and<br />

a half Races after the Genesis of man, the Earth, man, and everything on the Globe was of a still grosser and more<br />

material nature, while such things as corals and some shells were still in a semi-gelatinous, astral state. The cycles that<br />

intervened since then, have already carried us onward, on the opposite ascending arc, some steps toward our<br />

dematerialization, as the spiritualists would say. The Earth, ourselves, and all things have softened since then -- aye,<br />

even our brains. But it has been objected by some theosophists that an ethereal Earth even some 15, or 20,000,000<br />

years ago, does not square with Geology, which teaches us that winds blew, rains fell, waves broke on the shore, sands<br />

shifted and accumulated,<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* It must be remembered that the "last remnants" here spoken of, refer to those portions of the "great continent" which still<br />

remained, and not to any of the numerous islands which existed contemporaneously with the continent. Plato's "island"<br />

was, for instance, one of such remnants; the others having sunk at various periods previously. An occult "tradition"<br />

teaches that such submersions occur whenever there is an eclipse of the "spiritual sun."<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 251 ANSWERS TO OBJECTIONS.<br />

etc., etc., that, in short, all natural causes now in operation were then in force, "in the very earliest ages of geological<br />

time, aye, that of the oldest palaeozoic rocks." To this the following answers are given. Firstly, what is the date assigned<br />

by geology to those "oldest palaezoic rocks"? And secondly, why could not the winds blow, rain fall, and waves (of<br />

carbonic acid apparently, as science seems to imply) break on the shore, on an Earth semi-astral, i.e., viscid? The word<br />

"astral" does not necessarily mean as thin as smoke, in occult phraseology, but rather "starry," shining or pellucid, in<br />

various and numerous degrees, from a quite filmy to a viscid state, as just observed. But it is further objected: How could<br />

an astral Earth have affected the other planets in this system? Would not the whole process get out of gear now if the<br />

attraction of one planet was suddenly removed? The objection is evidently invalid, since our system is composed of older<br />

and younger planets, some dead (like the moon), others in process of formation, for all astronomy knows to the contrary.<br />

Nor has the latter ever affirmed, so far as we know, that all the bodies of our system have sprung into existence and<br />

developed simultaneously. The Cis-Himalayan secret teachings differ from those of India in this respect. Hindu Occultism<br />

teaches that the Vaivasvata Manu Humanity is eighteen million and odd years old. We say, yes; but only so far as<br />

physical, or approximately physical, man is concerned, who dates from the close of the Third Root-Race. Beyond that<br />

period MAN, or his filmy image, may have existed for 300 million years, for all we know; since we are not taught figures<br />

which are and will remain secret with the Masters of Occult Science, as justly stated in "Esoteric Buddhism." Moreover,<br />

whereas the Hindu Puranas speak of one Vaivasvata Manu, we affirm that there were several, the name being a generic<br />

one. (Vide supra).<br />

We must now say a few more words on the physical evolution of man.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 251 ANSWERS TO OBJECTIONS.<br />



The writer cannot give too much proof that the system of Cosmogony and Anthropogony as described actually existed,<br />

that its records are preserved, and that it is found mirrored even in the modern versions of ancient Scriptures.<br />

The Puranas on the one hand, and the Jewish Scriptures on the other, are based on the same scheme of evolution,<br />

which, read esoterically and expressed in modern language, would be found to be quite as scientific as much of what now<br />

passes current as the final word of recent discovery. The only difference between the two schemes is, that<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 252 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

the Puranas, giving as much, and perhaps more attention to the causes than to the effects, allude to the pre-Cosmic and<br />

pre-Genetic periods rather than to those of so-called Creation, whereas the Bible, saying only a few words of the former<br />

period, plunges forthwith into material genesis, and, while nearly skipping the pre-Adamic races, proceeds with its<br />

allegories concerning the Fifth Race.<br />

Now, whatever the onslaught made on the Order of creation in Genesis, and its dead letter account certainly lends itself<br />

admirably to criticism,* he who reads the Hindu Puranas -- its allegorical exaggerations notwithstanding -- will find them<br />

quite in accordance with physical Science.<br />

Even what appears to be the, on the face of it, perfectly nonsensical allegory of Brahma assuming the form of a Boar to<br />

rescue the Earth from under the waters, finds in the Secret Commentaries a perfectly scientific explanation, relating as it<br />

does to the many risings and sinkings, and the constant alternation of water and land from the earliest to the latest<br />

geological periods of our globe; for Science teaches us now that nine-tenths of the stratified formations of the earth's<br />

crust have been gradually constructed beneath water, at the bottom of the seas. The ancient Aryans are credited with<br />

having known nothing whatever of natural history, geology, and so on. The Jewish race is, on the other hand, proclaimed<br />

even by its severest critic, an uncompromising opponent of the Bible, (See "Modern Science and Modern Thought," p.<br />

337), to have the merit of having conceived the idea of monotheism "earlier, and retained it more firmly, than any of the

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