Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky

Band 2 Anthropogenesis - H.P. Blavatsky


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others, PROBABLY arose in the tropical regions of the old world from ANTHROPOID APES." Asked for proofs, the<br />

evolutionist, not the least daunted, replies: "Of these NO FOSSIL REMAINS ARE AS YET KNOWN TO US, BUT THEY<br />

WERE probably AKIN TO THE GORILLA AND ORANG OF THE PRESENT DAY." And then the Papuan negro is<br />

mentioned as the probable descendant in the first line (Pedigree of Man, p. 80).<br />

Haeckel holds fast to Lemuria, which with East Africa and South Asia also, he mentions as the possible cradle of the<br />

primitive Ape-men; and so do many geologists. Mr. A. R. Wallace admits its reality, though in a rather modified sense, in<br />

his "Geographical Distribution of Animals." But let not Evolutionists speak so lightly of the comparative size of the brains<br />

of man and the ape, for this is very unscientific, especially when they pretend to see no difference between the two, or<br />

very little at any rate. For Vogt himself showed that, while the highest of the Apes, the gorilla, has a brain of only 30 to 51<br />

cubic inches, the brain of the lowest of the Australian aborigines amounts to 99.35 cubic inches. The former is thus "not<br />

half of the size of the brain of a new-born babe," says Pfaff.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 194 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.<br />

Earth." Taaroa, the creative power, the chief god, "put man to sleep for long years, for several lives," which means racial<br />

periods, and is a reference to his mental sleep, as shown elsewhere. During that time the deity pulled an Ivi (bone) out of<br />

man and she became a woman.*<br />

Nevertheless, whatever the allegory may mean, even its exoteric meaning necessitates a divine Builder of man -- "a<br />

Progenitor." Do we then believe in such "supernatural" beings? We say, No. Occultism has never believed in anything,<br />

whether animate or inanimate, outside nature. Nor are we Cosmolators or Polytheists for believing in "Heavenly Man" and<br />

divine men, for we have the accumulated testimony of the ages, with its unvarying evidence on every essential point, to<br />

support us in this; the Wisdom of the Ancients and UNIVERSAL tradition. We reject, however, every groundless and<br />

baseless tradition, which, having outgrown strict allegory and symbolism, has found acceptance in exoteric creeds. But<br />

that which is preserved in unanimous traditions, only the wilfully blind could reject. Hence we believe in races of beings<br />

other than our own in far remote geological periods; in races of ethereal, following incorporeal, "Arupa," men, with form<br />

but no solid substance, giants who preceded us pigmies; in dynasties of divine beings, those Kings and Instructors of the<br />

Third Race in arts and sciences, compared with which our little modern science stands less chance than elementary<br />

arithmetic with geometry.<br />

No, certainly not. We do not believe in the supernatural but only in the superhuman, or rather interhuman, intelligences.<br />

One may easily appreciate the feeling of reluctance that an educated person would have to being classed with the<br />

superstitious and ignorant; and even realize the great truth uttered by Renan when he says that: "The supernatural has<br />

become like the original sin, a blemish that every one seems ashamed of -- even those most religious persons who refuse<br />

in our day to accept even a minimum of Bible miracles in all their crudeness, and who, seeking to reduce them to the<br />

minimum, hide and conceal it in the furthermost corners of the past."**<br />

But the "supernatural" of Renan belongs to dogma and its dead letter. It has nought to do with its Spirit nor with the reality<br />

of facts in Nature. If theology asks us to believe that four or five thousand years ago men lived 900 years and more, that a<br />

portion of mankind, the enemies of the people of Israel exclusively, was composed of giants<br />

[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------<br />

* "Polynesian Researches," Ellis. Vol.II., p. 38.<br />

Missionaries seem to have pounced upon this name Ivi and made of it Eve. But, as shown by Professor Max Muller, Eve<br />

is not the Hebrew name but an European transformation of [[hebrew]], chavah, "life," or mother of all living; "while the<br />

Tahitian Ivi and the Maori Wheva meant bone and bone only." ("False Analogies.")<br />

** Chaire d'Hebreu au college de France, p. 20.<br />

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[[Vol. 2, Page]] 195 THE HAIRY MEN OF CHINA.<br />

and monsters, we decline to believe that such a thing existed in Nature 5,000 years back. For Nature never proceeds by<br />

jumps and starts, and logic and common sense, besides geology, anthropology and ethnology, have justly rebelled<br />

against such assertions. But if that same theology, giving up her fantastic chronology, had claimed that men lived 969<br />

years -- the age of Methuselah -- five million years ago, we would have nothing to say against the claim. For in those days<br />

the physical frame of men was, compared to the present human body, as that of a megalosaurus to a common lizard.<br />

A naturalist suggests another difficulty. The human is the only species which, however unequal in its races, can breed<br />

together. "There is no question of selection between human races," say the anti-Darwinists, and no evolutionist can deny<br />

the argument -- one which very triumphantly proves specific unity. How then can Occultism insist that a portion of the<br />

Fourth Race humanity begot young ones from females of another, only semi-human, if not quite an animal, race, the<br />

hybrids resulting from which union not only bred freely but produced the ancestors of the modern anthropoid apes?<br />

Esoteric science replies to this that it was in the very beginnings of physical man. Since then, Nature has changed her<br />

ways, and sterility is the only result of the crime of man's bestiality. But we have to this day proofs of this. The Secret<br />

Doctrine teaches that the specific unity of mankind is not without exceptions even now. For there are, or rather still were a<br />

few years ago, descendants of these half-animal tribes or races, both of remote Lemurian and Lemuro-Atlantean origin.<br />

The world knows them as Tasmanians (now extinct), Australians, Andaman Islanders, etc. The descent of the<br />

Tasmanians can be almost proved by a fact, which struck Darwin a good deal, without his being able to make anything of<br />

it. This fact deserves notice.<br />

Now de Quatrefages and other naturalists, who seek to prove Monogenesis by the very fact of every race of mankind<br />

being capable of crossing with every other, have left out of their calculations exceptions, which do not in this case confirm<br />

the rule. Human crossing may have been a general rule from the time of the separation of sexes, and yet that other law

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