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Indonesian friends some of who I called Ustaz [teacher]. 22<br />

In an effort to seek additional funding for their cause, Sungkar and Ba’asyir went<br />

to Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and possibly Afghanistan. This opened the gateway<br />

for DI members to gain further military training and exposure to armed jihad.<br />

After a dispute with the Indonesian-based DI leader, Ajengan Masduki, Sungkar<br />

formed JI in Malaysia on 1 January 1993. By 1995, Sungkar’s followers had<br />

formed numerous cells consisting of eight-to-ten members who met on a weekly<br />

basis to study the Qur’an and prepare for jihad. 23 JI was a more tightly structured<br />

organization than DI, but had the same aim of establishing an Islamic state in<br />

Indonesia through jihad. Only after JI came into contact with al-Qa’ida did its<br />

ambition grow to aspire to a pan-Islamic state in Southeast Asia.<br />

To train the next generation of jihadists, JI established its own schools in<br />

Malaysia, including Madrasah Luqmanul Hakiem in Kelantan and in Ulu Tiram,<br />

Johor. In addition to physical training, JI dispatched its members to training<br />

camps run by al-Qa’ida, most notably Al Farouq, as well as JI camps in<br />

Afghanistan and the Philippines, and MILF camps in the Philippines. JI also<br />

established a cell in Karachi, the al Ghuraba cell, to train the brothers and sons of<br />

JI leaders and members. Hambali, the JI operational leader facilitated regional<br />

cooperation through the founding of Rabitatul Mujahidin, a platform through<br />

which Southeast Asian jihadist groups could collaborate.<br />

Claiming to be an Islamic revival movement, JI prepared a code of conduct to<br />

guide its members. A secret text, the General Guide for Al-Jamaah Al-Islamiyah<br />

Struggle (Pedoman Umum Perjuangan Al-Jamaah Al-Islamiyah, or PUPJI), was<br />

never published but was made available to the leaders to train the members. In<br />

the introduction, the Central Leadership Council of JI wrote that God has<br />

outlined a set of principles for mankind to lead their lives. First, the aim of man’s<br />

creation is to worship Allah alone. Consequently all worldly possessions, time,<br />

energy, and thought must be channeled towards this end. Second, the full<br />

purpose of human existence on earth is to serve as God’s vice-gerent. In this<br />

respect, man is responsible for ensuring that the earth is managed and developed<br />

within the confine of God’s laws. He thus is required to prevent, eliminate, and<br />

fight all acts of corruption on earth as a result of the implementation of a way of<br />

life that falls outside the domain of God’s law. Third, life on earth is a test to filter<br />

and sieve members of the human race in order to determine who has performed<br />

22<br />

Nasir Abas, Membongkar Jamaah Islamiyah: Pengakuan Mantan Anggota JI (Unveiling Jamaah<br />

Islamiyah: Confessions of an Ex- JI Member) (Jakarta: Grafindo Khazanah Ilmu, 2005, English<br />

translation), 18-19, 28.<br />

23<br />

Members of his first small cell included Riduan Isamuddin (alias Hambal)i, Abdul Ghani,<br />

Jamsari, Suhauime, Matsah, Adnan, and Faiz Bafana.<br />


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