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it made a bloody intervention in Jakarta’s port district of Tanjung Priok to break<br />

up a protest involving usroh activists, killing dozens. Then, on the 21 January<br />

1985, a former Ngruki lecturer bombed the massive 9th century Buddhist Stupa,<br />

Borobudur, in Central Java. Shortly afterwards, the Indonesian Supreme Court<br />

heard an appeal against Sungkar and Ba’asyir’s 1982 release from prison and<br />

ruled in the prosecution’s favor, issuing summons for the pair. Upon hearing<br />

this, Sungkar and Ba’asyir decided to make a hijrah, or strategic retreat, to<br />

Malaysia. 14 Thus, in April 1985, Sungkar, Ba’asyir, and a small group of followers<br />

left for Malaysia, as other Indonesians have done. 15 In the fifteen years that<br />

followed, the Malaysian exiles kept close links via couriers with jemaah members<br />

in Solo and Jakarta, where many BKPM members had moved after the arrest of<br />

Irfan Awwas. A small community was also established in a shared house in the<br />

district of Pisangan Lama in East Jakarta.<br />

Shortly after settling in Malaysia, Sungkar and Ba’asyir travelled to Saudi Arabia<br />

to seek funding for their community. Upon returning to Malaysia, the two<br />

organized trips to Afghanistan for Southeast Asian recruits to fight against Soviet<br />

occupation. The first small group of mujahidin made the trip in 1985. Thos<br />

recruiting for the Afghan campaign hoped that large numbers of fighters would<br />

come from Southeast Asia, but Sungkar and Ba’asyir were careful about who<br />

they endorsed. The following year’s group, however, was as large as fifty or<br />

sixty. We now understand that virtually all of the senior leadership of what<br />

became Jemaah Islamiyah studied and trained between 1985 and 1995 in camps<br />

in the mountainous border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan. There<br />

were many other Southeast Asians among the “Afghan alumni,” as they came to<br />

be known, but only some of them later joined JI. Many of these non-JI alumni<br />

nevertheless became trusted associates of JI in groups such as Darul Islam and its<br />

related organizations, whether in West Java or South Sulawesi, smaller<br />

independent groups, or somewhat more distant organizations such as the Moro<br />

Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) or the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) in the<br />

Philippines. Some of those who became key figures in JI were also formally<br />

inducted into al-Qa’ida itself, although this was not a common pattern, as al-<br />

Qa’ida was very selective. Thus, friendships formed in Afghanistan/Pakistan<br />

often bridged otherwise unconnected groups, such as JI and ASG, or MILF and<br />

ASG, and laid the foundations for future collaboration.<br />

14<br />

The word hijrah invokes the example of the Prophet Muhammad’s retreat to Medina when the<br />

people of Mecca turned against him and reject the message of God<br />

15<br />

Malaysia, a nation of 27 million citizens, is thought to have several million illegal “guest<br />

workers”—mostly Indonesian—without valid travel documentation.<br />


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