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• A later step could be to add Cm to the Am targets, and burn them in the same way; the waste<br />

reduction factor would somewhat increase to 50, but the cost would also increase.<br />

• Later on, and if the need is recognised, the reduction factor might be improved progressively<br />

up to about 160, provided that the targets of minor actinides are reprocessed and recycled.<br />

Such versatility is attractive. The needed R&D programme in support, engaged step by step, remains<br />

at a moderate level.<br />

6.5 Ways to reach 90% burn-up in targets<br />

Research has been engaged on Am targets. Many European laboratories have started fabrication<br />

and irradiation of such targets. In particular, the EFFTRA-T4 experiment with fabrication made at<br />

ITU and irradiation in the HFR reactor at Petten, supported by other partners, has reached an Am<br />

burn-up of 28% [7]. A problem was however raised by the large swelling of the spinel matrix, which<br />

would not allow much longer irradiation. The EFFTRA partners are searching for improvements.<br />

Among the possible solutions, a promising one is offered by the technology of Pu coated particle<br />

fuel, as successfully experienced in the DRAGON experimental reactor [8]: this particle fuel did not<br />

swell even after a 60% burn-up corresponding to almost complete depletion of the Pu. The adaptation<br />

of this process to Am targets deserves therefore careful feasibility verifications.<br />

Studies have just been started at BELGONUCLEAIRE and EDF to assess the possibility of an<br />

adaptation of this type of fuel to Am targets, to make them resistant to the important build-up of gas<br />

pressure related to helium and fission products, the goal being to effectively burn 90% of the Am<br />

loaded.<br />

7. Conclusions<br />

This paper has underlined how attractive is the concept of putting Am, or Am + Cm targets on<br />

special moderated positions of an EFR core. Their irradiation up to 90% burn-up seems feasible in a<br />

long but still affordable irradiation.<br />

It was shown by calculations that, if reprocessed and recycled, this target concept in a fast reactor<br />

could lead, in a reactor park made of a mix of PWRs (UO 2<br />

) and LMFRs, to an actinide waste mass<br />

reduction factor of 100 or more.<br />

If the targets can reach a 90% burn-up and are not further reprocessed, this factor decreases to<br />

about 50 (for the case of Am + Cm targets) or 30 (targets loaded with Am alone). Such reduction<br />

factors, though moderate, already represent sensible improvements of the waste storage conditions.<br />

The flexibility of the concept is an advantage. The research might be first focused on Am target<br />

irradiation without reprocessing. It could progressively encompass the addition of Cm, and later the<br />

target reprocessing.<br />

A problem remains the integrity of targets with a burn-up as high as 90%. Inert support materials<br />

irradiated so far exhibited a large swelling rate. The concept of particle coated fuel, virtually<br />

non-swelling, deserves to be examined for application to Am targets. Studies on this concept are starting.<br />


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