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amounts of MAs. In addition, one should keep in mind that, as mentioned above, the very high energy<br />

part of the spallation neutron spectrum was not taken into account, neither in Reference [15] nor in<br />

the present study.<br />

6. Required transmutation capacity and associated fuel cycle facilities [16]<br />

A 100 GWe nuclear LWR UO 2 reactor park produces annually 2 200 t spent fuel. This inventory<br />

contains approximately 25 t Pu, 1.6 t Np, and 1.6 t Am+Cm. If nuclear electricity production<br />

continues during an indefinite time period, the spent fuel inventory will continuously grow and<br />

become a large nuclear legacy which will have to be properly managed during a very long period,<br />

exceeding human civilisation. To decrease the growth rate of this spent fuel inventory, particularly its<br />

incorporated Pu mass, reprocessing of LWR-UO 2 is a first step to reduce the accumulation rate.<br />

However the HLW resulting from reprocessing still contains the 3.2 t of MAs. These nuclides<br />

constitute the long-term radiotoxic inventory of the high level waste (HLW) if no partitioning is<br />

performed.<br />

Partitioning of the MAs, followed by transmutation-incineration, could achieve a 10 to 100-fold<br />

reduction of the residual radiotoxicity. The recycling of separated MAs can be envisaged by mixing<br />

Np with the LWR-MOX fuel or, more effectively, by mixing all the MAs with FR-MOX fuel. A fuel<br />

fabrication capacity of 60 t FR-MOX-(2.5%Np) and 60 t FR-MOX-(2.5%Am) would have to be<br />

installed near the reprocessing plants. A composite reactor park containing 70 GWe-LWR-UO 2 ,<br />

10 GWe-LWR-MOX and 20 GWe-FR+ADS is capable of stabilising the TRU inventory. Reduction<br />

of the MA fuel mass to be handled in the FR-ADS systems is still possible if higher concentrations of<br />

MAs can be introduced into the sub-critical cores of ADS systems. An 820 MW th ADS core (1.5 GeV,<br />

40 mA) containing 60% MA and 40% Pu could transmute 250 kg TRU per year. With a thermal to<br />

electric yield of 30% it would produce 246 MWe which would in part be recycled to the accelerator<br />

(146 MWe) and in part delivered to the grid. Gradually the ADS capacity should increase from<br />

8 GWe initially to 20 GWe at the end of the nuclear energy production to cope with the entire residual<br />

TRU inventory.<br />

7. Conclusions<br />

With a routine thermal output of 60 MW th , BR2 has a limited irradiation potential for 12 targets<br />

of 500 g Np+Am each and a transmutation throughput of the order of 1.5 kg Np+Am per 200 EFPD.<br />

This transmutation capacity can be used for investigating, at the technological scale, the formation of<br />

transmutation products ( 238 Pu, 239 Pu, FPs...) in a thermal neutron spectrum with large contribution of<br />

epithermal and fast neutrons as well as the metallurgical behaviour of the targets. In particular, if the<br />

irradiations are carried out during a long period, the calculated high fission-over-total-disappearance<br />

rate in the 237 Np-and Am targets could be checked. It is indeed essential to take into account the total<br />

length of the transmutation chains when performing calculations for high flux reactors.<br />

One of the purposes of MYRRHA is its utilisation for the investigation of actinide transmutation<br />

feasibility with ADSs. With a total power not to exceed 30 to 35 MW, fast fluxes (E>0.75 MeV) up to<br />

10 15 n/cm 2 s are to be attained in irradiation positions near the spallation source. Calculations indicate<br />

lower transmutation rates in MYRRHA than in BR2, but fast spectrum systems, and in particular ADS<br />

devices, are characterised by better neutron economics in the transmutation process, i.e. by a higher<br />

“direct” fission-over-total-disappearance rate. MYRRHA as multipurpose ADS for R&D is hence an<br />

interesting tool to investigate transmutation of MAs in a fast neutron environment, with the<br />


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