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3. Irradiation targets and irradiation positions in BR2 and MYRRHA<br />

All irradiation targets considered (for the irradiations both in BR2 and in MYRRHA) were<br />

assumed to have an outer diameter of 8.36 mm and to be clad with HT-9 steel with outer diameter<br />

9.5 mm. The target compositions are indicated in Table 2. The targets were given an active length of<br />

200 mm, positioned symmetrically with respect to the maximum axial flux level of BR2 and<br />

MYRRHA.<br />

Table 2. Composition of the various targets<br />

MA or LLFP Chemical form of the target Density<br />

(%TD)<br />

237 Np<br />

77.9 wt% 241 Am<br />

+22.1 wt% 243 Am<br />

99 Tc<br />

129 I<br />

20 vol% NpO 2 + 40 vol% MgAl 2 O 4 + 40 vol% Al<br />

20 vol% Am 2 O 3 + 40 vol% MgAl 2 O 4 + 40 vol% Al<br />

Tc-metal<br />

NaI<br />

90<br />

90<br />

75<br />

70<br />

The BR2 irradiation targets were assumed to be introduced into a loop consisting of concentric<br />

aluminium tubes with in between cooling water circulation. The outer diameter of the outer tube was<br />

25.4 mm, allowing the loop to be substituted for the central aluminium plug (also with diameter<br />

25.4 mm) of a standard BR2 fuel element such as shown in Figure 1, right hand side. As irradiation<br />

position in BR2 the high-flux channel B180 (see Figure 1, left hand side) was selected.<br />

For the irradiations in MYRRHA, the targets with their cladding were assumed to be introduced<br />

into the irradiation space between the pressure tube surrounding the spallation source and the six<br />

inner hexagonal assemblies of the fast sub-critical core (see Figure 2), at a radial distance of 59 mm<br />

from the MYRRHA main axis.<br />

4. Calculated transmutation yields<br />

The transmutation rates of the MAs and of the LLFPs, both in BR2 and in MYRRHA, were<br />

calculated with the aid of the Monte Carlo code MCNP-4B [10]. The way BR2 was modelled in great<br />

detail is explained in [11,12,13] (e.g. the meat and the cladding of each of the 6 × 3 fuel plates of each<br />

of the fuel elements of the BR2 loading is considered as a separate zone). Also for MYRRHA the<br />

calculations were performed in great detail: each of the 2286 fuel pins (with for each: fuel, gap and<br />

cladding described separately) was modelled. The neutron cross-section library used was ENDF/B-VI,<br />

except for the nuclides not present in ENDF/B-VI; for these ENDF/B-V was used.<br />

In Table 3 the fission and “disappearance” reaction rates are indicated for the various nuclides<br />

considered in the present study. The values are averaged over the target volumes. By “disappearance”<br />

is meant the sum of all nuclear reactions leading to the removal of the nuclide considered from its<br />

(A,Z) position in the table of isotopes. The “disappearance” reaction is hence, practically, the sum of<br />

the processes 16 (= all (n,2n)), 17 (= (n,3n)), 18 (= total fission) and 101 (= neutron disappearance,<br />

viz mainly (Q n,p), (n,d), (n,t), (n,He-3) and (Q ZKHUHWKHQXPEHUVUHIHUWRWKH07QXPEHUVLQ<br />

the ENDF/B format. It should be noted that in the present calculations performed for MYRRHA the<br />

very high energy part of the spallation neutron spectrum (above 20 MeV) is not taken into account.<br />


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