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1. Introduction<br />

In Korea, an accelerator driven system (ADS), which is called HYPER (Hybrid Power Extraction<br />

Reactor) is currently under development for transmutation of TRUs (Transuranic Elements) [1].<br />

Concerning the uranium-free fast reactors like HYPER, one of the big problems is a very large<br />

reactivity swing, regardless of the sub-criticality of the core. In an ADS, a large burn-up reactivity<br />

swing means a large reservation of the proton beam current. This large reserved proton current may<br />

result in several unfavourable safety features as well as adverse impacts on the economics of the<br />

system. Also, another concern associated with the large reactivity change is a one-way change of the<br />

radial power distribution during depletion of the core. To resolve this problem, an on-power refuelling<br />

concept, as in CANDU, was studied previously for HYPER [1]. However, the on-power refuelling<br />

makes the system fairly complex and may cause serious engineering concerns.<br />

Several types of burnable absorbers such as boron, gadolinium, and erbium are successfully used<br />

to suppress the initial excess reactivity and to control the power distribution in thermal reactors like<br />

PWRs [2]. Regarding the critical fast reactors such as LMR (Liquid Metal Reactor), poisoning the<br />

core with a burnable absorber is not used to control the reactivity. This is mainly because the excess<br />

reactivity in conventional LMRs is fairly small due to self-generation of fissile elements and thus the<br />

burn-up reactivity swing can be easily controlled by control rods. Of course, it is well recognised that<br />

there is no effective burnable absorber for fast neutron systems due to small neutron capture crosssections.<br />

When it comes to the fast-neutron ADS loaded with TRUs, however, the situation is quite<br />

different from those of the conventional critical thermal and fast reactors. Basically, any excess<br />

reactivity, which should be suppressed by external control mechanisms, should not be allowed in ADS<br />

in order to guarantee its surmised advantages. Consequently, control rods or absorber-containing<br />

coolant cannot be used to control the reactivity of an ADS. Thus, fixed burnable absorbers, if any,<br />

could only be utilised as the reactivity control mechanism for ADS.<br />

Previously, Stone et al. [3] studied a dual spectrum core to reduce the reactivity swing of the<br />

ATW core, where a thermal spectrum zone is placed in the periphery of the core and 237 Np and 241 Am<br />

are loaded in the thermal region. They showed that the reactivity swing could be reduced by a factor of<br />

2 in the dual spectrum ATW. However, the smaller reactivity change in the modified ATW is mainly<br />

due to the reduced power density. In addition, the dual spectrum core may lead to a large power<br />

peaking in the interface region between hard and soft spectrum regions.<br />

The simplest way to reduce the reactivity swing is to adopt a low power density core. However, a<br />

low power density needs a large core volume, thus it is not favourable from the economics point of<br />

view. Recently, Hejzlar et al. [4] studied burnable absorbers for a critical Pb-Bi-cooled transmutation<br />

reactor. They evaluated various candidate materials such as B, Re, Hf, Gd, Er, etc. They showed that<br />

10 B has the largest neutron capture cross-sections and can reduce the reactivity swing a little. Finally,<br />

they discarded the burnable poison option, in favour of excess reactivity compensation through control<br />

rods.<br />

In this paper, we have re-evaluated the potential of 10 B as a burnable absorber for the sub-critical<br />

HYPER core to reduce the burn-up reactivity swing and also to control the radial power distribution.<br />

All calculations are performed with a Monte Carlo code, MCNAP [5], which was developed at Seoul<br />

National University, Korea. It is worthwhile to note that MCNAP has its own built-in depletion<br />

routine<br />


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