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70 MW. The beryllium matrix has 79 cylindrical holes in a hexagonal lattice of 96.44 mm pitch at the<br />

reactor midplane: there are 64 standard channels (84.2 mm diameter), 10 small peripheral channels<br />

(50 mm diameter) and 5 large channels (200 mm diameter). All channels can receive fuel elements,<br />

control rods, beryllium plugs or experiments, which allows a great flexibility of operation.<br />

Each fuel element has a 762 mm active fuel length. The presently used 6n-G fuel elements<br />

(Figure 1, right hand side) contain, when fresh, 400 g 235 U in the form of UAl x (1.3 g U/cm 3 ) + 3.8 g<br />

boron (B 4 C) + 1.4 g samarium (Sm 2 O 3 ). The reactor core is loaded with 10 to 13 kg 235 U (30 to 40 fuel<br />

elements, not all fresh). The concentration at discharge of the fuel elements is about 50% of the initial<br />

fissile content value. The present nominal heat flux at the hot spot is 470 W/cm 2 , the maximum value<br />

allowed for nominal cooling conditions (probable onset of nucleate boiling) is 600 W/cm 2 . Typical<br />

neutron fluxes are (in the reactor hot spot plane):<br />

• Thermal conventional neutron flux : v 0 n = v 0 ∫ 0<br />

0.5 eV<br />

n (E) dE:<br />

2 to 4 10 14 n/cm 2 s in the reactor core<br />

2 to 9 10 14 n/cm 2 s in the reflector and core flux trap (H1).<br />

• Fast neutron flux : Φ >0.1 MeV = ∫ 0.1<br />

∞MeV (G(<br />

4 to 7 10 14 n/cm 2 s in the reactor core.<br />

2.2 MYRRHA, a multipurpose ADS for R&D<br />

MYRRHA, in its present development stage, is described in another paper of this conference [5].<br />

It is based on the coupling of a proton cyclotron with a liquid Pb-Bi windowless spallation target,<br />

surrounded by a sub-critical neutron multiplying medium in a pool type configuration [6]. Ion Beam<br />

Applications (IBA), a world leader in accelerator technology, is in charge of the design of the<br />

accelerator. The accelerator parameters presently considered are 5 mA continuous current at 350 MeV<br />

energy. The proton beam will impinge on the spallation target from the top. The spallation target<br />

circuit is separated from the core coolant as a result of the windowless design presently favoured to<br />

avoid window overheating and embrittlement and loss of energy. To meet the goals of material<br />

studies, fuel behaviour studies, radioisotope production, transmutation of MAs and LLFPs, the<br />

MYRRHA facility should include two spectral zones: a fast neutron spectrum zone and a thermal<br />

spectrum one.<br />

The core pool contains the fast spectrum core zone, cooled with liquid Pb-Bi, and several islands<br />

housing thermal spectrum regions located in in-pile sections (IPSs) at the periphery of the fast core. In<br />

its present design phase, the fast core is fuelled with typical fast reactor fuel pins (triangular pitch:<br />

10.2 mm) with an active length of 600 mm arranged in hexagonal assemblies with 122 mm pitch. The<br />

central hexagon position is left free for housing the spallation module. The fast sub-critical core of<br />

MYRRHA is made of 18 MOX fuel assemblies of which 12 have a Pu content of 30% and 6 a Pu<br />

content of 20%: a horizontal cross-section is given in Figure 2 (the circumscribing circle has a<br />

diameter of 610 mm).<br />

The design of MYRRHA needs to satisfy a number of specifications such as:<br />

• Achievement of the neutron flux levels required by the different applications considered in<br />

MYRRHA:<br />

Φ >0.75 MeV = 1.0 10 15 n / cm²s at the locations for MA transmutation,<br />


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