Islj 2009 3-4 - TMC Asser Instituut

Islj 2009 3-4 - TMC Asser Instituut

Islj 2009 3-4 - TMC Asser Instituut


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ing a player. In order to create an objective opinion about the role of<br />

sports agents, I will try to contact these actors as well. I was able to<br />

arrange a meeting with a manager of a club and one manager was able<br />

to respond by e-mail. I was not able to contact any player. So, an<br />

interesting part of the research is not included. It was also due to the<br />

lack of time and the busy period for players (the pre-season).<br />

The first interview is with an academic, with a high expertise on<br />

the field of sports agents. He is giving his academic view on the different<br />

topics in the market of sports agents. In this way, I can sketch<br />

the global picture of the market and from an independent view. The<br />

academic, who was willing to cooperate with the research, was Rob<br />

Siekmann.<br />

Besides the three main actors in the market and the academic, there<br />

are several other important actors present in the market. First of all,<br />

there are unions active. The ‘Vereniging Van Contractspelers’ (VVCS)<br />

is the union of the players. The most important role of the VVCS is<br />

that they are negotiating on behalf of all the Dutch professional players<br />

during the collectively bargaining process. The collectively bargaining<br />

process deals with the secondary working conditions. The collectively<br />

bargaining process will be discussed in chapter 2.2.5 and<br />

chapter 3.5.2. It would be interesting to know, what their opinion is<br />

about the sports agents and the interesting topics of the market.<br />

Furthermore, the ‘Federatie Betaald voetbal Organisaties’ (FBO) is<br />

present in the market. They are the union for the clubs and they are<br />

representing the clubs during the collectively bargaining process.<br />

Finally, the sports agents also have a union: ProAgent. ProAgent is<br />

also included in the research.<br />

The ‘Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbal Bond’ (KNVB) is the regulator<br />

in the market of sports agents.<br />

They also monitor the market if some sports agents are not acting<br />

according the regulations and they can imposes fines or sanctions.<br />

They also issue the license and are responsible for the exam. They are<br />

an important actor on the market as a legislator. That is why, it would<br />

be interesting to include the KNVB in the research.<br />

Some interesting topics will be discussed during the interviews.<br />

The license is nowadays a hot topic in the market of sports agents and<br />

how it should be structured. Or if there needs to be a license at all,<br />

maybe is a free market a better option. On this moment, 103 sports<br />

agents received the license from the KNVB. Worldwide, there are<br />

thousands of sports agents. All sports agents with a license are permitted<br />

to be active in the Netherlands, also when the exam is done in<br />

Azerbaijan. So, this makes the market even more complex as it already<br />

is. It is not possible to include sports agents from all over the world.<br />

After several interviews, I will try to summarize the comments<br />

about the topics, like the license, transparency, monitoring function<br />

of KNVB and a possible new set of regulations. In this way, I can<br />

make some hypotheses about the market of sports agents. In the<br />

beginning of chapter 4, I will set some hypotheses and when the interviews<br />

are done, I can change the hypotheses. The research I will do is<br />

called explorative research, I am looking for hypotheses and I am not<br />

going to check them with quantitative research. It is clear that there<br />

is not a representative group, who I am going to interview. I was limited<br />

by time and the busy period for players and sports agents. The<br />

transfer period and the preseason are going on, when I am writing the<br />

thesis. This limits the results, but still there can be some interesting<br />

results. It is never been done before and in this research the view of<br />

the different unions are present, as well as the view of clubs and sports<br />

agents. So, I hope to formulate some interesting and clear hypotheses<br />

in the conclusions.<br />

2. The theoretical background of the market of sports agents<br />

In this chapter, the theoretical background will be discussed of the<br />

market of sports. Firstly, the sports agents will be discussed and what<br />

functions they fulfill. It will lead to a definition of sports agents,<br />

which will be used throughout the paper. After that, I will discuss the<br />

labor market of players. This discussion is needed, to make clear<br />

8 The article of R. Parrish: ‘Regulating<br />

Players’ Agents: A Global Perspective’ is<br />

published in the book of Siekmann et al.<br />

(2007), pp. 1-14.<br />

where the sports agents come in. Thirdly, some economic theories will<br />

be discussed, like the principal-agent problem and the bargaining at<br />

arm’s length.<br />

2.1. Sports agents<br />

An interesting study has been done by Sobel (1987) about the regulation<br />

of sports agents. He is not only giving ideas and insights about<br />

regulation, but he also describes the functions of a sports agent.<br />

This paragraph will explain what a sports agent is and what his<br />

functions are. In this way, I will avoid any discussion whether someone<br />

is a sports agent or not.<br />

2.1.1. Functions<br />

A sports agent is the representative of an athlete during negotiations<br />

and he has four main functions according to Sobel (1987), but these<br />

functions do not have to be done by a single agent. The definition of<br />

a sports agent is also given by Parrish in the book of Siekmann et al.<br />

(2007). 8 The definition is:<br />

‘An agent is a person authorized to act for another when dealing<br />

with third parties. In theory, a players’ agent is merely an intermediary<br />

ensuring the supply and demand for labor within sport is met.<br />

For a fee (commission), they assist players in finding clubs, or clubs<br />

in finding players’ (Siekmann et al., 2007, pp. 1-2)<br />

This is the definition, which will be used in this research. Now, the<br />

different functions will be explained from the article of Sobel (1987)<br />

The first function of the sports agent is the negotiating of an athlete’s<br />

contract. The service of contract negotiation is valuable for<br />

almost every athlete, because most athletes have little experience with<br />

negotiations and have no business background. This is the main reason,<br />

why there exists a market for sports agents. Sports agents have<br />

more knowledge over the salaries of other players than the athletes,<br />

and they have more knowledge of the details of collective bargaining<br />

agreements. For most athletes, this is a reason to hire a sports agent,<br />

to negotiate their contract. Also athletes with a business background<br />

will hire a sports agent, because the bargaining process during the<br />

negotiations can influence the performance of the athlete. Sports<br />

agents have an insulating function. The insulating function of sports<br />

agents during the bargaining process is when a player has to play for<br />

the club after successful negotiations. When there were critics from<br />

the club (in order to bargain a lower salary), it could affect the performance<br />

of the athlete. Shropshire and Davis (2008) also thinks that<br />

the insulating function of a sports agent is very important. It will<br />

return in chapter 2.4.4. A good example of the insulating function of<br />

a sports agent is shown in the movie Jerry Maguire. The athlete in<br />

the movie wants a renewal of his contract, but the sports agent is<br />

hearing all the critics on the player. It depends on the sports agent,<br />

what the player is hearing. The movie is a good movie about the<br />

sports agent and the relation between the sports agent and player is<br />

shown clearly.<br />

The second function of a sports agent is obtaining, reviewing and<br />

negotiating new contracts. This is also in the commercial sector to get<br />

sponsor contracts for the athlete. When the contract of a player<br />

expires, the sports agent is responsible for the negotiations during the<br />

renewal of a contract. The first function, described above, is getting<br />

the athlete at a club, but after this the relation continues. The sports<br />

agent can obtain other contracts from third parties or a renewal of the<br />

current contract with the club. A good example of an endorsement is<br />

the deal between Nike and Roger Federer. Roger Federer is one of best<br />

tennis players of the world and is dominating it for a few years now.<br />

He signed a tenyear deal with Nike, for more than ten million dollar<br />

a year. This is part of the second function of sports agents, to arrange<br />

sponsor contracts for their players. In this research, the focus of function<br />

two will be on reviewing and the negotiating of the current contract<br />

with the clubs. The sponsor’s contracts will be excluded. It is<br />

important to specify the research. If the sponsor’s contracts will be<br />

included, it will become more difficult to sketch the whole market of<br />

sports agents.<br />

The third function according to Sobel (1987) is investment advice<br />

and income management. This is different from the first two func-<br />

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