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Brunisols on coarser deposits and at higher elevations .<br />

Cryic<br />

Gleysols are found on poorly drained areas .<br />

The organic soils are<br />

mainly Cryic Fibrisols . Alpine soils are found associated with<br />

nonsorted circles above the timberline .<br />

Black spruce is the dominant<br />

species of vegetation but aspen is very common as a result of repeated<br />

forest fires . White spruce is found in the valleys on better drained<br />

sites . Alpine fir- forms the timberline at elevations of approximately<br />

3,600 feet .<br />

Permafrost is<br />

discontinuous on poorly drained fine-textured mineral<br />

soils and widespread on peatlands .<br />

The perennially frozen peatlands<br />

take the<br />

form of peat plateaus and palsas composed dominantly of high<br />

ice content peat materials .<br />

Very little active collapsing is found<br />

on the peatlands . In old collapse areas, however, active palsa<br />

development was noted .<br />

Zone 6 . This Zone covers the plains of the Mackenzie and Liard Rivers .<br />

This area is divided into two subzones, 6S (south) and 6N (north) .<br />

Subzone 6S<br />

spans the Upper Mackenzie River from Mills Lake to<br />

approximately Willowlake River and the Liard River Plain .<br />

The Trout<br />

Lake and Kakisa River area is<br />

also included in this subzone in spite<br />

of the fact that it is somewhat higher in elevation . Based on<br />

information collected during the 1972 season, no great differences<br />

were found in soils and permafrost as compared to other areas of 6S .<br />

The soils are dominantly Luvisols developed on well to imperfectly<br />

drained till and glaciolacustrine deposits .<br />

Brunisols dominate the<br />

sandy aeolian deposits and the older alluvial terraces .<br />

Regosolic<br />

soils are associated with the recent alluvial deposits . Gleysolic

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