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- 90-<br />

Profile ZT6, Cryic Rego Gleysol* (Appendix I : Table 26)<br />

L-H- 23 to 0 m, dark brown (l0YR 3/3, moist), undecomposed sphagnum<br />

peat with a thin layer of dark brown to black cladonia forest<br />

peat ; extremely acid ; clear, wavy boundary .<br />

Cyg- 0 to 29 cm, very dark gray (5Y 3/1, moist), loam ; cryoturbed ;<br />

intrusions of organic material, organic stains and smears ;<br />

slight build-up of organic matter in the lower portion of this<br />

horizon ; weal-, medium subangular blocky ; slightly sticky,<br />

slightly plastic ; friable when moist, slightly hard when dry ;<br />

medium acid ;, abrupt, wavy boundary .<br />

Cygz- 29+ cm, frozen cryoturbed loam ; slight build-up of organic<br />

matter in the top of this horizon ; vein ice, ice crystals ;<br />

ice content approximately 50 percent .<br />

Topography :<br />

Gleysolic soils have developed on all of the poorly drained<br />

materials mapped iri~the study area .<br />

The topography is flat to gently<br />

sloping on lacustrine deposits and moderately to strongly sloping on<br />

hillsides and high mountain plateaus .<br />

Vegetation :<br />

Black spruce dominates these soils along with birch and larch .<br />

The shrub and herb layers indicate a transition to peatland .<br />

Potentilla fruticosa and Betula glandu losa are the most common tall<br />

shrubs present with the dwarf shrubs being Ledum groenlandicum ,<br />

Vaccinium spp . and Empetrum nigrum . The herb layer is dominated by<br />

feather mosses and Spha num fuscum .<br />

Physical and Chemical Characteristics :<br />

Most of the Gleysolic soils are shallow with various amounts of<br />

surface peat .<br />

These soils are slightly to medium acid and medium to<br />

moderately fine in texture .<br />

* Influenced by cryoturbation .

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