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expressed (Ae) eluvial horizons . These soils are found in the Inuvik<br />

area and are associated with patterned ground .<br />

Cryic Orthic Dystric Brunisol<br />

These soils have the general characteristics of Dystric Brunisols<br />

but have the permafrost table within the control section . They<br />

occur in the treeless tundra area and are<br />

associated with ice wedge<br />

polygons .<br />

A representative profile of a Cryic Orthic Dystric<br />

Brunisol developed on glacio-fluvial deposits in-the Eskimo Lakes<br />

area is described below :<br />

Profile ZT27 Cryic Orthic Dystric Brunisol (Appendix I : Table 19 & Plate 8A)<br />

Bm- 0 to 9 cm, dark brown (7 .5YR 4/2, moist), sandy loam ;<br />

pumice-like+, single-grained ; non-sticky, non-plastic ;<br />

loose when moist, loose when dry ; extremely acid ; tundra<br />

pavement on the surface ; clear, wavy boundary .<br />

BC- 9 to 25 cm, brown (l0YR 5/3, moist), sand ; single-grained ;<br />

non-sticky, non-plastic ; loose when moist, loose when dry ;<br />

extremely acid ; clear, wavy boundary .<br />

25 to 60 cm-, grayish brown (l0YR 5/2, moist) sand ; singlegrained<br />

; non-sticky, non-plastic ; loose when moist, loose<br />

when dry ; strongly acid ; abrupt, wavy boundary .<br />

Cz- 60+ cm, grayish brown (l0YR 5/2, moist), frozen sand .<br />

Cryic Orthic Dystric Brunisol*<br />

These are Cryic Orthic Dystric Brunisols affected by cryoturbation .<br />

As a result of cryoturbation the sequence of horizons is<br />

changed and<br />

distorted with blobs of<br />

organic materials, organic smears, wood<br />

fragments and intrusions of Ah or B horizons being-found in the<br />

cryoturbed horizons, which are designated by "y" .<br />

These soils are<br />

+ pumice-like structure : great amounts of air voids due to frost action .<br />

* influenced by cryoturbation .

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