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Orthic Gray Luvisol<br />

These soils have the general characteristics of the Gray<br />

Luvisols ; i .e . they have organic surface horizons (L-H), lightcolored<br />

Ae and Bt horizons .<br />

These soils have developed on either<br />

very strongly calcareous glacial till (profile T1)<br />

or strongly<br />

calcareous lacustrine deposits (profile T17) . The profile descriptions<br />

of these soils are as follows :<br />

Profile Tl Orthic Gray Luvisol (Appendix I : Table 6)<br />

L-H- 4 to 0 cm, very dark brown (l0YR 2/2, moist), forest litter<br />

of needles and twigs ; strongly acid ; abrupt, wavy boundary .<br />

Ae- 0 to 3 cm, light gray (l0YR 7/1, moist), silt loam ; fine<br />

platy ; non-sticky, non-plastic ; loose when moist, loose<br />

when dry ; extremely acid ; abrupt, irregular boundary .<br />

Bt- 3 to 19 cm, yellowish-brown (10YR 5/6, moist), clay loam ;<br />

fine subangular blocky ; slightly sticky, slightly plastic ;<br />

firm when moist, hard when dry ; extremely acid ; abrupt,<br />

smooth boundary .<br />

C- 19 to 54 cm, light brownish-gray (l0YR 6/2, moist), silt<br />

loam ; fine subangular blocky ; slightly sticky, slightly<br />

plastic ; firm when moist, hard when dry ; mildly alkaline ;<br />

very strongly calcareous .<br />

Profile T17 Orthic Gray Luvisol (Appendix I : Table 7)<br />

L-H- 3 to 0 cm, very dark grayish-brown (l0YR 3/2, moist), forest<br />

litter of spruce needles, aspen leaves and twigs ; medium<br />

acid ; abrupt, smooth boundary .<br />

Ae- 0 to 10 cm, very pale brown (l0YR 3/2, moist), silt loam ;<br />

very fine platy ; non-sticky, non-plastic ; very friable<br />

when moist, soft when dry ; very strongly acid ; abrupt,<br />

irregular boundary .

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