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feather mosses is associated with small groups of evergreen herbs<br />

and Equisetum sp .<br />

Vegetation on sandy dunes, gravelly-sandy beaches and terraces<br />

is dominated by pure or mixed pine, birch,<br />

aspen and white spruce<br />

forests . Here again, succession is toward the white spruce type .<br />

Repeated fires, however, maintain large areas of pine and birch .<br />

The shrub layer is dominated by Shepherdia canadensis , Rose sp . and<br />

Juniperus communis . The herb and moss layer is dominated by Cornus<br />

canadensis, Pyrola spp ., Lecopodium spp ., Arctostaphylos uva-ursi ,<br />

feather mosses and lichens .<br />

In Zones 2 and 3, on well and imperfectly drained mineral soils,<br />

black spruce becomes dominant, especially on the imperfectly drained<br />

sites . On perennially frozen soils black spruce with a thick carpet<br />

of feather mosses forms the dominant forest cover .<br />

The timberline occurs at 3,800 feet in the Nahanni Butte area .<br />

The timberline further north, on Cap Mountain, is found at an<br />

elevation of 3,300 to 3,400 feet . It is interesting to note that<br />

alpine fir forms the timberline in the Nahanni Butte area, while<br />

in the Cap Mountain area alpine fir<br />

is absent and white spruce forms<br />

the timberline . Above the timberline, on mineral soils, typical<br />

alpine tundra vegetation is found .<br />

On patterned ground, nonsorted circles, and hummocks in Zones<br />

2, and 3, the tree layer is composed dominantly of black spruce<br />

with some larch and white birch also being present .<br />

The shrub<br />

layer is composed of Ledum groenlandicum , L . decumbens , Betula<br />

glandulos a, Alnus crispa , Vaccinium spp . and Rubus chamaemorus . The<br />

herb and moss layer contains lichens (Cladonia alpestris , C . Mitis ,

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