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associated with a patterned ground of nonsorted circles,<br />

stone nets<br />

and hummocks .<br />

They have developed on fine-textured glacial till<br />

(profiles ZT16 and ZT29), lacustrine sediments and colluvial<br />

materials (profile ZT8) .<br />

Profile ZT8A Cryic Orthic Dystric Brunisol* (Figure 11, Appendix I : Table 20<br />

& Plate 8B)<br />

L-F- 6 to 0 cm, very dark grayish brown (l0YR 3/2, moist), litter<br />

of leaves, twigs of dwarf shrubs and lichens ; extremely<br />

acid ; abrupt, wavy boundary .<br />

Bmy- 0 to 13 cm, yellowish brown (l0YR 5/4, moist), loam ; slightly<br />

cryoturbed ; smears and intrusions of parent material (C) ;<br />

slightly sticky, slightly plastic ; friable when moist, hard<br />

when dry ; extremely acid ; clear, wavy boundary .<br />

Cy- 13 to 50 cm, gray (l0YR 5/1, moist), loam ; cryoturbed ;<br />

intrusions of B material ; slightly sticky, slightly plastic ;<br />

friable when moist, hard when dry ; extremely acid .<br />

Profile ZT29 Cryic Orthic Dystric Brunisol* (Figure 12, Appendix I :<br />

Table 21 & Plate 9B)<br />

Bm- 0 to 25 cm, dark gray (l0YR 4/1, moist), silty clay ; fine<br />

granular to shotty ; sticky and plastic ; firm when moist,<br />

hard when dry ; extremely acid ; fine roots ; clear, wavy<br />

boundary .<br />

Cy- 25 to 103 cm, gray (l0YR 5/1, moist), silty clay ; amorphous ;<br />

cryoturbed ; organic smears ; very sticky, very plastic ;<br />

firm when moist, hard when dry ; extremely acid ; abrupt,<br />

smooth boundary .<br />

Cz- 103+ cm, gray (l0YR 5/1, moist), frozen silty clay ; vein<br />

ice, ice content approximately 40 percent ; very sticky, very<br />

plastic ; firm when moist, hard when dry .<br />

* influenced by cryoturbation .

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