Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco


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Perspectives on higher education for sustainabledevelopment: transformation for sustainabilityZinaida Fadeeva, United Nations University Institute of Advanced StudiesRapid changes at all levels and pressing local andglobal sustainability issues require rethinking of howknowledge is generated, transmitted and utilized andhow future decision makers and professionals are trained toaddress the compound challenges of sustainable development.As intellectual leaders and major contributors to thecapacity development required for global transition to sustainability,institutions of higher education are expected to respondstrongly and holistically to societal challenges. In order to do so,they must embark on the daunting task of transforming themselvesand bringing about desired changes to society at large.The United Nations University (UNU) has responded to the UNDecade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) bylaunching international networks designed to strengthen therole of institutions of higher education in sustainable developmentand education for sustainable development (ESD), as wellas developing postgraduate programmes in these subjects andother related fields.Creating higher education for sustainable development(HESD) networksThe ESD Programme of the UNU Institute of Advanced Studies(UNU-IAS) fosters the involvement of academia globally in appliedresearch, education and continued learning to resolve the pressingglobal problems that are the concern of the UnitedNations and its Member States.This work is carried out by:• The network for Promotion of Sustainability inPostgraduate Education and Research (ProSPER.Net) 1• The Regional Centres of Expertise on Education forSustainable Development (RCEs). 2ProSPER.Net is an academic consortium for ESD thatwas launched in 2008 to reorient postgraduate educationand research in the universities of Asia-Pacific towardsmore sustainable development. Currently 21 membersstrong and growing, the network brings together leadinguniversities from the Asia-Pacific region that have significanteducation and research programmes in sustainabledevelopment and related fields.Working closely with a number of important partners– the Ministry of the Environment of Japan, UNEPRegional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific,UNESCO Bangkok (Asia-Pacific Regional Office) andthe Institute for Global Environment Strategies (IGES)– ProSPER.Net serves as a platform for collaborationamong its members and other ESD actors, regionallyand globally.Image: UNU-IASLaunching Ceremony of ProSPER.Net under the auspices of UNU-IAS, Hokkaido University, Japan, 21 June 2008[ 133 ]

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