Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco


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Image: © BBC World Service Trust <strong>2010</strong>Image: UNFPA, MozambiqueA peer educator with a young woman at one of the youth-friendlyhealth clinics in Maputo CityNewly qualified peer educators awarded certificates after a weeklong training course at a Roman Catholic Church Youth Centre inBairro, Unidade 7, Maputo Cityinvolved in joint planning with inputs from NGOs, youth associationsand other civil society groups.UNFPA manages the programme’s funding and, through its staffin each of the 11 provinces, supports the government in its planningprocesses. UNFPA does not play any part in implementationbut plays a supporting role in monitoring and evaluation, handlingthe programme database.Pathfinder International provides technical support to eachMinistry on planning, monitoring and evaluation, and has producedall BCC materials used. This organization also provides support forimplementing partners, including all youth associations. CurrentlyPathfinder International is phasing out of Programme Geração Bizbut still remains a part of the multi-sectoral coordination committee.Youth associations: In Maputo City and Zambézia, the youthassociations play a leading role, while in the other nine provinces,Programme Geração Biz is managed and coordinated by governmentdepartment directorates directly with support from youth associations.Some youth associations have been with the programme sinceits inception. They also support the government in identification ofyoung people’s SRH needs and other related areas. 22Donors: The programme is financially supported by the Governmentsof Denmark (Danida), Norway (Norad) and Sweden (SIDA).Principles for good practices in joint programmes and ongoingcoordinationProgramme Geração Biz provides lessons for managing a comprehensivenational, multi-sectoral programme addressing the SRHneeds of young people, including HIV-related information and services.These include:Offering a comprehensive response using a multi-sectoralapproach if requiredIt is imperative for a comprehensive response designed to offerinformation and services to young people to consider a coordinatedmulti-sectoral approach where partners play a complementary role fornationwide coverage of a programme. No single sector canaddress all the needs of young people.Being gender-sensitive in programme designAny programme that is gender sensitive may alleviategender disparity by providing opportunities for advancementthat are conducive for females, creating and providingequal opportunities for participation irrespective of sex.Empowering young people to be the drivers of the programmeThe focus on engagement with young people should bethe ethos underlying any programme, creating opportunitiesfor engagement at all programme stages.Establishing separate monitoring and evaluationMonitoring and evaluation are often merged together asa single function. However, it is important to make thedistinction between the two activities. Monitoring shouldfocus on process indicators and outputs, while evaluationshould focus on summative indicators to determineoutcomes and impact.Creating a common mechanism for stakeholders to coordinateA common mechanism, platform or a body for all partnersto coordinate can help in ensuring efficiency andeffectiveness for joint planning, implementation and astandardised monitoring and evaluation process.Emphasizing ‘young people’ to coordinate andde-emphasize differences among stakeholdersYoung people should remain the focus of the programmethroughout. In case of any differences between stakeholders,the decision should be driven by what willsucceed in engaging young people and help make theprogramme relevant to them.[ 57 ]

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