Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco


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THE HONOURABLE DIANE MCGIFFORD, CHAIR, COUNCIL OF MINISTERS OF EDUCATION, CANADAEducation and training play a major role in the endeavour to create a sustainable society. Globally, weare facing critical environmental, social and economic challenges, which require new ways of thinkingand acting. We need to prepare our students by educating them in the basics of sustainable developmentand preparing them to take their places as environmentally, socially and economically literate citizens,consumers, workers and leaders.In Canada, the Council for Ministers of Education Canada, local governments and communityorganizations, stakeholders from many sectors, and many non-governmental organizations are activelypromoting and supporting education for sustainable development (ESD). Provincial and territorialdepartments of education, universities and colleges including faculties of education, and schools acrossCanada are incorporating ESD into existing courses, curricula and programming, as well as developing newcourses, curricula and learning resources. Moreover, much of this work is being done with partners fromoutside the formal education sector.We believe that ESD is setting a direction for education and learning that is based on values, principlesand practices that are necessary to respond effectively to current and future challenges.Diane McGiffordChair, Council of Ministers of Education, Canada[ 8 ]

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