Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco


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Image: Japanese Nat. Comm. for UNESCOESD practice in the ASP, Omose Elementary SchoolIn order to further entrench the concept of ESD, the Ministry ofEducation, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) seesUNESCO’s Associated Schools Project Network as a hub for promotingESD. The Network aims to realize the ideals of UNESCO and topromote peace and international collaboration through classroompractice. Therefore, MEXT is working to increase the number ofassociated schools.The main pillars of ESD in UNESCO’s Associated Schools ProjectNetwork are education in international understanding and environmentaleducation. Japan hopes that, by increasing the number of associatedschools and strengthening the network among them, schools will beencouraged to share and reinforce their activities in collaboration withbusinesses and NPOs, enabling ESD to take root in their communities.At the same time, a number of ministries and agencies are workingtogether to develop and renovate school facilities to make them moreenvironmentally friendly and to promote environmental educationthrough this process, while the Ministry of the Environment (MOE)is taking action to encourage environmental education involvingcommunity leaders and children, eco-club activities to promoteenvironmental conservation, and environmental education activitiesin extracurricular programmes.ESD practice in the Associated SchoolsProject NetworkDevelopment of global vision through joint learning withoverseas partners (Omose Elementary School)This initiative uses the waterfront environment sharedby the participants’ communities in Japan and in theUnited States as a topic to encourage the developmentof children’s sensitivity and scientific curiosity aboutthe natural environment through such experiencesas observation, investigation, fieldwork and raisinganimals. Information technology is used to enablelearning exchanges with elementary schools in the US,fostering children’s global outlook and laying the basisfor positive environmental action.Linking different subjects for integrated learningAn initiative at Shinonome Elementary School linkschildren’s learning on themes such as shopping, waterand garbage to related subjects, such as Japaneselanguage, social studies, science and periods for integratedlearning. The purpose of this is to promote[ 63 ]

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