Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco

Tomorrow today; 2010 - unesdoc - Unesco


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KONRAD OSTERWALDER, RECTOR, UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITYCaring about sustainable development means accepting responsibility for the well-being of futuregenerations and also of our habitat and our planet. Taking a positive approach to sustainability has to be anintegral part of the moral foundation of our actions and our lifestyle. This means that promoting sustainabledevelopment must be an important aspect of the educational agenda at all levels. It starts in kindergartenand it goes all the way to the university level and beyond. It basically involves three aspects: the buildupand reinforcement of a basic understanding of the problem of sustainability, an inspection of all aspects ofour life under the criterion of sustainability and finally an active search for new methods and techniques tofurther sustainable development.The United Nations University (UNU), in particular through the research and teaching activities of twoUNU institutes, the UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) in Yokohama, and the UNU Institutefor Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) in Tokyo, is contributing to the implementation of the UN Decadeof Education for Sustainable Development, 2005-2014. The UNU is proud of its ongoing work andcollaboration with UNESCO in the area of education for sustainable development, as it is an important andvery practical way for the UNU to help ensure a sustainable future for all.Konrad OsterwalderRector, United Nations University[ 16 ]

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