CPG for Eating Disorders

CPG for Eating Disorders

CPG for Eating Disorders


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EDI-2 (Version 2 of the EDI-1)Later (1991), Garner, et al. developed the EDI-2, comprised of 91 items (64 items of the EDI-1and an additional 27 items). The items are grouped in 11 scales, 8 of them main scales(obsession about thinness, bulimia, body dissatisfaction, ineffectiveness, perfectionism,interpersonal distrust, interoceptive awareness and maturity fears) and 3 provisional scales (not apart of the EDI-1) (ascetism, impulse regulation and social insecurity). A 5th gradeeducational level is required to answer this self-report measure 347 .Spanish version of the EDI-2The Spanish version was adapted by the TEA publishing house 1998 348There is also a Spanish version validated in the Mexican population. When the cut-off point is80 <strong>for</strong> the overall score, sensitivity is 91% and specificity is 80%; when it is 105 points,sensitivity is 82% and specificity is 89% 349 .BULITBulimia Test. Smith and Thelen, 1984There is an adapted Spanish version validated in our setting. (see chapter 6, “Detection” andAnnex 2.5.)BITEBulimia Investigatory Test Edinburgh. Henderson and Freeman, 1987There is an adapted Spanish version validated in our setting. (see chapter 6, “Detection” andAnnex 2.6.)EDE-Q<strong>Eating</strong> <strong>Disorders</strong> Examination-questionnaire. Fairburn and Beglin, 1993The EDE-Q is a self-report questionnaire (it can be completed in less than 15 minutes) derivedfrom the EDE semistructured interview developed by Fairburn and Beglin, 1993, and whichcontains its three main subscales (restraint, weight concern and shape concern) 350 . Resultsindicate a consistent positive correlation, albeit moderate, between the EDE and the EDE-Q.Correlation was higher in characteristics that do not present definition difficulties (<strong>for</strong> example,frequency of self-induced vomiting or average –days per week- laxative abuse); the greatestdiscrepancy indexes were found in the days-per-week assessment in which binge-eating episodestook place. These values were consistently higher in the EDE-Q. There is no in<strong>for</strong>mationconcerning the adaptation and validation of the EDE-Q in the Spanish population. However,there is an adapted Spanish version in a Colombian population sample (S-EDE-Q) 351 .SCOFFSurvey Sick, Control, One, Fat, Food questionnaire. Morgan, et al., 1999There is an adapted Spanish version validated in our setting. (see chapter 6,“Detection” and Annex 2.1.)ACTA(Attitude Regarding Change in <strong>Eating</strong> <strong>Disorders</strong>) Beato and Rodríguez,2003The ACTA questionnaire was developed by L Beato and T Rodríguez, 2003 352 , with the objectiveCLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR EATING DISORDERS176

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