CPG for Eating Disorders

CPG for Eating Disorders

CPG for Eating Disorders


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therapist who guides the sessions and is present in most of the “action”. The number of hours ofguidance can vary.BrofamineAntidepressant belonging to the group of monoaminooxidase inhibitors (MAOI). It does notappear in the Vademecum or in the AGEMED (Spanish Drug Agency). It has been used in thecontrol group of several RCTsCyproheptadineIt belongs to the group of antihistamines (which block histamine H1 receptors). Aside fromblocking the action of histamine H1 receptors in the brain, alleviating allergic reaction symptoms,cyproheptadine can also block serotonin receptors in the brain, thus stimulating appetite. Thefollowing therapeutic indications have been approved in Spain: anorexia, prevention andsymptomatic treatment of nutrient-deficient states in convalescent periods or inadequate dietaryintake. Appetite and development stimulant.CitalopramAntidepressant belonging to the group of SSRIs. The following therapeutic indications have beenapproved in Spain: major depressive episodes, prevention of depression relapse/recurrence, anxietydisorder with or without agoraphobia and OCD.ClomipramineTricyclic antidepressant. The following therapeutic indications have been approved in Spain: anykind of depression, symptomatology and severity, obsessive syndromes, phobias, panic attacks,narcoleptic syndromes with cataplexy crises, nocturnal enuresis (only after 5 years of age and afterruling out organic causes).Nutritional CounsellingDietary or nutritional counselling or nutritional therapyType of treatment in which the main objective is to modify what the patient eats, and his/herhabits and attitudes towards food. It is not a clearly defined intervention and it is applied inseveral modalities. It consists of providing a model which involves following a series ofindications such as eating a healthy diet, maintaining fixed eating schedules, eating 3 meals a day,eating normal rations depending on age, eating while sitting down with the family, in a relaxedenvironment without distractions, without preparing the meal and resting after eating. Weightrestoration requires a normocaloric, healthy diet, except in cases in which it is contraindicated dueto the patient’s condition.Media literacyPrimary prevention interventions based on cognitive behaviour and inoculation theories that aimto reduce risk factors of eating disorders by means of learning activities that enable the acquisition244CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR EATING DISORDERS

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