CPG for Eating Disorders

CPG for Eating Disorders

CPG for Eating Disorders


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MoclobemideMAOI antidepressant, mainly of the A subtype; decreases metabolism of noradrenaline, dopamineand serotonin, leading to greater extracellular concentrations of these transmitters. Its approvedtherapeutic indication in Spain is major depression.AdvocacyIn a social context, this technique is based on the influence on a person’s or group’s attitudestowards a specific matter.NaloxoneAntagonist of exogenously administered opioids. The following therapeutic indications have beenapproved in Spain: to totally or partially counteract respiratory depression caused by overdose ofnarcotics and dextropropoxifen or pentazocine, and also respiratory depression in the newborncaused by administration of opioids to the mother during delivery. Diagnosis when there issuspicion of acute narcotic intoxication.NaltrexoneAntagonist of exogenously administered opioids. The following therapeutic indications have beenapproved in Spain: alcoholism, opioid withdrawal, accompanied by other therapeutic measures.OlanzapineAntipsychotic, antimanic and mood stabiliser with an affinity <strong>for</strong> serotonin, dopamine, cholinergicmuscarinic, alpha-1-adrenergic and histamine receptors. The following therapeutic indicationshave been approved in Spain: schizophrenia, moderate or severe manic episode, relapseprevention of bipolar disorder whose manic episode has responded to olanzapine treatment,intramuscular administration <strong>for</strong> immediate management of agitation and disordered behavioursin schizophrenia or manic episode, when oral administration is not recommended.OndasentronPotent antiemetic antagonist that is highly selective of 5-HT3 receptors located in peripheralneurones and within the NCS. The following therapeutic indications have been approved in Spain:management of nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy and cytotoxic radiation therapy andpost-operative nausea and vomiting.OrlistatPeripherally acting drug designed to treat obesity.PimozideAntipsychotic drug that selectively blocks dopaminergic central receptors and has neurolepticproperties. The following therapeutic indications have been approved in Spain: acute and chronicpsychosis and anxiety disorders.247CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR EATING DISORDERS

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