CPG for Eating Disorders

CPG for Eating Disorders

CPG for Eating Disorders


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of skills to fend off social persuasion. The approach aims to prepare participants to adopt acritical assessment of media content so they can identify, analyse, challenge and proposealternatives to cultural ideals presented in the mass media. Videos are played and then discussedto broaden knowledge and stimulate critical analysis of the group participants.DesipramineTricyclic antidepressant. It is not included in the Vademecum or in the AGEMED (Spanish DrugAgency). It has been identified as treatment in the control group of some RCTsPhenelzineAntidepressant belonging to the MAOI group, which has been withdrawn from the Spanishmarket.FluoxetineAntidepressant belonging to the group of SSRIs. The following therapeutic indications havebeen approved in Spain: major depression, OCD and BN.FluvoxamineAntidepressant belonging to the group of SSRIs. The following therapeutic indications have beenapproved in Spain: depression and OCD.Mutual help groups (MHGs)Groups of people who meet voluntarily with the aim of helping each other. They are generallycomprised of individuals who share the same problem or who find themselves in a similardifficult situation. The MHG emphasises personal interaction and each member’s capacity toassume responsibilities. It tends to provide emotional help and promote values that help membersstrengthen their own sense of self. These groups provide assistance and emotional support tofamilies and patients, facilitating the success of the corresponding therapy. Groups are guided byfacilitators (people who have experienced the same problem or situation as the participants) andare periodically aided by a professional who supervises the intervention and provides instrumentsto improve group dynamics.ImipramineTricyclic antidepressant. The following therapeutic indications have been approved in Spain:depression and nocturnal enuresis in children.Interventions aimed at eliminating risk factors of the disorder (in this case, eating disorders)Primary prevention interventions that can be specific or non-specific depending on theissue/aspect that is being addressed, providing participants with certain skills to cope withproblems (management skills). Specific interventions are focused on: age of onset, child obesity,CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINE FOR EATING DISORDERS245

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