Systems Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Cotton Varieties in ...

Systems Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Cotton Varieties in ...

Systems Agronomic and Economic Evaluation of Cotton Varieties in ...


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Results <strong>and</strong> Discussion:<strong>Agronomic</strong> data <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g plant population, nodes above white flower (NAWF), bollstorm resistance, <strong>and</strong> f<strong>in</strong>al plant map data are <strong>in</strong>cluded <strong>in</strong> Tables 1-3.Significant differences were noted for all yield <strong>and</strong> economic parameters (Table 4).L<strong>in</strong>t turnout averaged 27.7% with a high <strong>of</strong> 31.6% <strong>and</strong> low <strong>of</strong> 24.4% for FiberMax2011GT <strong>and</strong> NexGen 2051B2RF, respectively. Bur cotton yield averaged 5202lb/acre <strong>and</strong> ranged from a high <strong>of</strong> 5524 lb/acre for Stoneville 4288B2F to a low <strong>of</strong>4897 lb/acre for NexGen 2051B2RF. L<strong>in</strong>t yields varied from a low <strong>of</strong> 1193 lb/acre(NexGen 2051B2RF) to a high <strong>of</strong> 1643 lb/acre (FiberMax 2011GT). L<strong>in</strong>t loanvalues ranged from a low <strong>of</strong> $0.5392/lb to a high <strong>of</strong> $0.5740/lb for CroplanGenetics 3156B2RF <strong>and</strong> PhytoGen 367WRF, respectively. When add<strong>in</strong>g l<strong>in</strong>t <strong>and</strong>seed value, total value ranged from a high <strong>of</strong> $1202.26/acre for FiberMax 2011GTto a low <strong>of</strong> $936.26/acre for NexGen 2051B2RF. After subtract<strong>in</strong>g g<strong>in</strong>n<strong>in</strong>g, seedcosts <strong>and</strong> technology fees, the net value/acre among varieties ranged from a high<strong>of</strong> $965.68/acre (FiberMax 2011GT) to a low <strong>of</strong> $704.92/acre (NexGen2051B2RF), a difference <strong>of</strong> $260.76.No significant differences were observed among varieties for most fiber qualityparameters at this location (Table 5), with exception <strong>of</strong> +b (yellowness). Testaverages for micronaire, staple, uniformity <strong>and</strong> strength were 3.9, 35.4, 81.6% <strong>and</strong>30.4 g/tex, respectively. Elongation averaged 10.2% across all varieties<strong>and</strong> leafgrades were mostly 2. Color grade components <strong>of</strong> Rd (reflectance) <strong>and</strong> +b(yellowness) averaged 78.7 <strong>and</strong> 8.5, respectively <strong>and</strong> resulted <strong>in</strong> color grades <strong>of</strong>mostly 21 <strong>and</strong> 31.These data <strong>in</strong>dicate that substantial differences can be obta<strong>in</strong>ed <strong>in</strong> terms <strong>of</strong> netvalue/acre due to variety selection. Additional multi-site <strong>and</strong> multi-year appliedresearch is needed to evaluate varieties across a series <strong>of</strong> environments.Acknowledgments:Disclaimer Clause:Appreciation is expressed to Luke Steelman for the use <strong>of</strong> his l<strong>and</strong>, equipment <strong>and</strong>labor for this demonstration. Further assistance with this project was provided byDr. Jane Dever - Texas A&M AgriLife Research <strong>and</strong> Extension Center, Lubbock,<strong>and</strong> Dr. Eric Hequet - Associate Director, Fiber <strong>and</strong> Biopolymer Research Institute,Texas Tech University. Furthermore, we greatly appreciate the TexasDepartment <strong>of</strong> Agriculture - Food <strong>and</strong> Fiber Research for fund<strong>in</strong>g <strong>of</strong> HVI test<strong>in</strong>g.Trade names <strong>of</strong> commercial products used <strong>in</strong> this report are <strong>in</strong>cluded only forbetter underst<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>and</strong> clarity. Reference to commercial products or tradenames is made with the underst<strong>and</strong><strong>in</strong>g that no discrim<strong>in</strong>ation is <strong>in</strong>tended <strong>and</strong> noendorsement by the Texas A&M System is implied. Readers should realize thatresults from one experiment do not represent conclusive evidence that the sameresponse would occur where conditions vary.67

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