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286A. A. MACHADO ET ALLIlevel. A handbook for Engineers andScientists, John Wiley & Sons Ltd, NewYork, 472 p.Reboita, M. S., Rocha, R. P. & Ambrizzi, T. 2010.South Atlantic Ocean cyclogenesisclimatology simulated by regional climatemodel (RegCM3). Climate Dynamics, 35:1331-1347.Saraiva, J. M. B., Bedran, C. & Carneiro, C. 2003:Monitoring of Storm Surges on CassinoBeach. Jounal of Coastal Research, 35: 323-331.Toldo JR., E. E., Dillenburg, S. R., Almeida, L. E. S.B., Tabajara, L. L., Martins, R. R. & Cunha,L. O. B. P. 1993. Parâmetros morfodinâmicosda Praia de Imbé, RS. Pesquisas, 20(1): 27-32.Tolman, H. L. 2002. User manual and systemdocumentation of WAVE-WATCH IIIversion 2.22. NOAA/NWS/NCEP/IOMBTech. Note 222. 133 p.von Storch, H. & K. Woth 2008. Storm surges,perspectives and options. Sustainability.Science, 3: 33-44.Webster, P. J., Holland, G. J., Curry, J. A. & Chang,H. R. 2005. Changes in Tropical CycloneNumber, Duration, and Intensity in a WarmingEnvironment. Science, 309: 1844-1846.Zar, J. H. 1999. Biostatistical analysis. EnglewoodCliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 663 p.Received January 2010Accepted December 2010Published online January 2011Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2010), 5(2): 277-286

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