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Representation of climate change in the media309Press, Cambridge, UK, 315-356.O’Brien, K. L. & Leichencko, R. M. 2000. Doubleexposure: assessing the impacts of climatechange within the context of economic globalization.Global Environmental Change,10: 221-232.Revkin, A. 2009. News Coverage of Climate Entering‘Trance’? Accessible at http://migre.me/3aLmv (Accessed in 30/04/2010).Romero, H., Molina, M. Moscoso, C. Sarricolea, P.& Vásquez, A. 2009. Climate change andurban sustainability of Chilean metropolitancities. p. 211-227 In: Dias, P. L. S. Ribeiro,W. C. Sant’Anna Neto, J. L. & Zullo Jr., J(Eds.). 2009. Public policy, mitigation andadaptation to climate change in SouthAmerica. Universidade de São Paulo,Instituto de Estudos Avançados. 280 p.Rosa, L. P. 2009. Brazil and climate change:proposal of a governmental plan of action. p.39-48. In: Dias, P. L. S. Ribeiro, W. C.Sant’Anna Neto, J. L. & Zullo Jr., J (Eds.).2009. Public policy, mitigation and adaptationto climate change in South America.Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de EstudosAvançados. 280 p.Sant’Anna Neto, J. L. & Roseghini, W. F. F. 2009.extreme pluvial impacts and their socioenvironmentalrepercussion on the northernSão Paulo coast. p. 231-247. In: Dias, P. L. S.Ribeiro, W. C. Sant’Anna Neto, J. L. & ZulloJr., J (Eds.). 2009. Public policy, mitigationand adaptation to climate change in SouthAmerica. Universidade de São Paulo,Instituto de Estudos Avançados. 280 p.Silva Junior, F. & Bortotti, B. 2009. Ageograficidade e alguns eventos climáticosocorridos no município de Londrinarelatados pelo jornal Folha de Londrina noperíodo de 1996 a 2005. Publicado em 12ºEncontro de Geógrafos da América Latina, 3 a7 de abril de 2009 – Montevidéu – UY.Accessible at: http://egal2009.easyplanners.info/area07/7392_Silva_Junior_Francisco.doc(Accessed in 29/12/2010).Smith, J. 2005. Dangerous news: Media decisionmaking about climate change risk. RiskAnalysis, 25: 1471.Wodak, R. & Meyer, M. 2006. Methods of criticaldiscourse analysis. London: Sage.Yin, J. Schlesinger, M. E. & Stouffer, R. J. 2009.Model projections of rapid sea-level rise onthe northeast coast of the United States.Nature Geoscience. 2: 262-266.Received May 2010Accepted October 2010Published online January 2011Pan-American Journal of Aquatic Sciences (2010), 5(2): 298-309

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