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THE KINGDOM OF YORK 129of Rixinc (Richsi-ing, descendant of Richsi or Ricsig),rode west over the hills (to Cumberland), and therekilled the prince Eardulf and carried off his wife.Hetook sanctuary with Cutheard, who gave him the easternpart of county Durham, bounded by Deor street (theRoman road), and also the land of Gainford-on-Tees,which he held three years, until Ragnvald slew himat the battle of Corbridge, and gave the land to Esbrid,son of Edred, and his brother Eltan the jarl, for theirservices in the battle. In these stories we have hintsof affairs and persons in Cumberland, not withoutvalue considering the darkness of the period; andwe are assured of the persistence of St. Cuthbert'sa sanctuary, in spitepatrimony in county Durham asof all the attacks of the Vikings. This is enforced bythe legend of Olaf Ball the (ballr, stubborn) to whomRagnvald had given the land from Castle Eden to theWear, a pagan who refused rent and service to St.Cuthbert. Coming in one day to the church atChester-le-Street, he shouted to bishop Cutheard andhiscongregation, " What can your dead man, Cuthbert,do to me ? What is the use of threatening mewith his anger? I swear, by my strong gods Thorand Othan, that I willbe the enemy of youall fromthis time forth." And when he tried to leave thechurch he could not lift his foot over the threshold,but fell down dead, "and St. Cuthbert, as was just, gothis lands."Now the Ulster Annals, under 918, describe abattle in which King Ragnvald with Gotfrith O'lvafand the jarls Ottar and " Gragabai " met the men of

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