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130 SCANDINAVIAN BRITAINAlban and the northern Saxons, and fought a battlein which the Scots were victorious at first but wererouted by Ragrivald's ambush ;the same tactics hehad used just before to decide a battle in Ireland.The Pictish Chronicle tells that Constantine in hiseighteenth year (918) fought Ragnvaldat Tinemore(Tynemoor, near Corbridge) and the Scots werevictorious. The fact remains that next year Ragnvaldtook York.Ragnvald OTvar, king of White and Black Gaillof his own Norse and the Danes of Northumbriadied in 921 (Annals of Ulster). If 921 is the yearof the submission of the North at Bakewell, thein itchronological difficulty about Ragnvald's partvanishes. In the same year Guthfrith O'lvar tookDublin, driving out Sigtrygg Gale OTvar, whothereupon took Ragnvald's place at York. In 925he went to Tamworth on a visit, was baptised, andmarried yEthelstan's sister.^Ethelstan was now pushing his influence stillfarther north than his father Eadward had reached.In 926 he met Constantine, king of Scots, Owain, kingof Cumbria (the land from Derwentwater to Dumbarton)and Ealdred of Bamborough at Dacor, probablyDacre in Cumberland on the borders of territory inthe Strathclyde and Scottish power. It may be thata young son of the Scottish king was baptised on theoccasion ;the tie of " compaternity " with ^Ethelstanwas worth obtaining. Itmay also be that the northernkings promised to renounce if not" idolatry" their alliance with heathens. Constantine's

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