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.Frome94 SCANDINAVIAN BRITAINThorstein, son of Olaf the White, and Jarl Sigurd ofOrkney but the former ;kingdom of Northumberlandhad included Galloway, and it is likely that Halfdan'sobject was to extend his power to the ancient bordersof his realm. Next year he "dealt out the landsof Northumbria, and they thenceforth continuedploughing and tilling them."The other part of the great army under Guthorm,Asketil and Hamund, went in 875 to winter at Cambridge.So far, they might be supposed to haveburnt their ships, for all three campaigns had beenon land, but their ships were soon called into action.^Elfred in person fought a naval battle off the southcoast, and won it; but in 876 Guthorm sailed roundto Poole -harbour to join the army of Ubbi fromWales. Asser tells how he seized " the castellum,""ancient square earthworks, called Wareham, wherethere is a convent of nuns, between the two riversand Trent." ^Elfred bought peace, and theDanes swore on the Holy Ring that they woulddepart; but early in 877 they sallied out by nightand rode to Exeter. Alfred could only blockadethem, and set his ships to watch the mouth of theExe. An interpolator of Asser (c. 50 ;ed. Stevenson,p. 39) says that he had ships built in all parts of hiskingdom, and" " placed pirates on board to fight theDanes : but the phrase is so vague and rhetorical thatwe must not assume that these man-of-war's menwere Norse, brought in to fight their rivals.The Danish fleet of 120 sailcoming from Warehamto force the blockade was wrecked off Swanage, and

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