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INDEX 271Ranig of Hereford, 163Kanselmen of Shetland, 262Raudabjorg, battle, 251Ravaging of the North, 175, 181Raven standard, 96Reading, 91, 92, 153Rechru, 48, 69Repton, 93Reycross, 142Riccall, 171, 173Richsi, Ricsig, 119, 129Ringmere, battle, 153, 154Rochester, 78, 96, 150Roderick ap Merfyn, 79, 189Roderic, son of Harald, 190Roolwer, Hrolfr, bp., 232Rorik, 78Routes of early migration, 12-15Rugby, 109Runes, 26, 27, 55, 187, 201, 242, 245, 253ST. CLAIR, earls of Orkney, 256Sandwich, 78, 153Saxon shore, 13, 45Saxon war, 57, 58Saxulf, 76Scaklingi, 124Scotland, Vikings in, 68-70, 73, 77, 89,207, 225, 236, 245, 246 ;and sec Argyll,Caithness, Dumfriesshire, Galloway,Hebrides, Orkney, Shetland, StrathclydeScrufajarl, 127Sculptured stones of Cornwall, 183 ;Cumberland, 204, 205, 219, 222, 223;Dumfriesshire, 222, 223 ;East Anglia,103 ; Hebrides, 242 ; Gotland, 55 ;Lancashire, 198-202 ; London, 164 ;Man, 231, 232; Mercia, 115; Orkneyand Shetland, 244-246 ; Scotland, 246 ;Wales, 187, 191 ; Wirral, 192, 196 ;Yorkshire, 120, 122, 142, 143Sea-faring in the pre-Viking age, 52 of;the <strong>Scandinavian</strong>s, 28-42, 67Sea-kings, 42, 47Sea- language, 261Setr, saeter, in place-names, 195, 199,211, 212Sheppey, 75, 78, 79, 155Sherstone, battle, 155Shetland, 54-56, 77. 244-24.6, 249, 250,255-263Ships of the <strong>Scandinavian</strong>s, 28-33, 99Shocbury, 98Sigeferth, Sigfrith, 125, 131Sigeric, abp., 146Sigferth, Siferth of Wales, 185Sigfred, king of Denmark, 58Ring, 13 and see ;Sigurd HringSigtrygg Cam, 139Gale, 127, 130, 131, 135Silkiskeggi, 139the old, and Sigtrygg the young, 91Sigurd Hlodversson, 55, 228, 246, 250Hring, 50Magnusson, 251(Siward), earl of Deira, 163, 169Snake-eye, 87I. of Orkney, 94, 248the VolsimjL 50, 300, 231Skathald, 262^--'Skellig Mhichel, 73Skjoldungs, 54, 124Skye, 69, 237, 239, 240Slave-trade, 64, 66, 67, 73Sodor. and Man, 233Sokemen, 113, 114Somerset, Vikings in, 78, 95, 96Sources of Viking Age history, S-nSouthampton, 77, 145, 150Star, in place-names, 194Stainmoor, battle, 142, 249Staithe, in place-names, 108, 194, 197Stamford, no, 117-Bridge, 171, 172, 233Stefnirjarl, 186Stillingfleet church-door, 173Strand hogg, 66Strangford Lough, battle, 124Strathclyde, 89, 90, 208, 209Stratherne earls of Orkney, 256Stidreyjar, sec HebridesSueno's pillar, 246Sumarlidi (personal name), 63, 66Somerled, 234, 235Svein Asleifarson, 252, 254Forkbeard, 145, 149-155, 186, 190,229,God wine's son, 168Kmit's, son, 163Suibhne, of Man, 228, 229Ulfsson, k. of Denmark, 167, 170J 74Sverrir, King, 255Swine-fylking, 86Syllingar islands, 149TADDENESSCYLFE, 140Tarn worth, 130, 136Tara, battle, 139Tempsford, 104, 105Tenmantale, 160Tettenhall, battle, 116Thetford, 88

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