Education Education An approach to some basic Indicators for ...

Education Education An approach to some basic Indicators for ...

Education Education An approach to some basic Indicators for ...


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Catalog of Indica<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>Education</strong> 59 Name of indica<strong>to</strong>r: Number of teachers by sex Definition: Number of teachers in a given level of education teaching in a given type of institution at the same level in a given school year. Description: The disaggregation of data by sex is <strong>to</strong> show the gender composition of teaching <strong>for</strong>ce that provide need assessment <strong>for</strong> opportunities and/or incentive <strong>to</strong> encourage women <strong>to</strong> participate in teaching activities at a given level of education. [1] The disaggregation by type of institution is <strong>to</strong> assess the relative weight of private education in terms of teaching staff, hence scale human resources in private education within a country. This disaggregation when analyzed <strong>to</strong>gether with the corressponding pupil per teacher ratio show the relative size of teaching <strong>for</strong>ce in relation <strong>to</strong> enrollment in private education. [1] Sec<strong>to</strong>r: <strong>Education</strong> Subsec<strong>to</strong>r: Labor, Gender disparities in <strong>Education</strong>, Literacy, Level of education, <strong>Education</strong> resources Sources: [1] <strong>Education</strong> Indica<strong>to</strong>rs: Technical guidelines. United Nations <strong>Education</strong>, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 2009. [2] Tools and indica<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>for</strong> gender impact analysis, moni<strong>to</strong>ring and evaluation. Economic Commission <strong>for</strong> Latin America and the Caribbean. 2002. [3] A FAIR SHARE FOR WOMEN: CAMBODIA GENDER ASSESSMENT AND POLICY BRIEFS. Ministry of Women's Affairs. 2008. Unit of measuring: Percent Formula: PFT t h= FT th×100 ; PMEtf= P mT hPS ×100 ; PTS t h= TS thtT h×100 Formula explained: Female teachers Divide the <strong>to</strong>tal number of female teachers at a given level of education by the <strong>to</strong>tal number of teachers (male and female) at the same level in a given school year, and multiply by 100. Where: PFT h t = Percentage female teachers in educational level h in year t FT h t = Number of female teachers in educational level h in year t T ht= Total number of teachers (male and female) in educational level h in year t Private teacher Divide the number of teachers in private educational institutions in a given level of education by the <strong>to</strong>tal number of teachers (in both public and private educational institutions) at the

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