Education Education An approach to some basic Indicators for ...

Education Education An approach to some basic Indicators for ...

Education Education An approach to some basic Indicators for ...


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Catalog of indica<strong>to</strong>rs Introduction 3 In addition and according <strong>to</strong> the use we want <strong>for</strong> the proposed indica<strong>to</strong>rs, the need <strong>to</strong>provide analytical perspectives medium <strong>to</strong> long term, with the aim of <strong>for</strong>mulating remedialpolicies, i.e. function as <strong>to</strong>ols of <strong>for</strong>ecasting and planning.Going <strong>to</strong> indica<strong>to</strong>rs classifications, there’re qualitative and quantitative indica<strong>to</strong>rs; in the workshown in the present catalogue, we have centered mainly on quantitative indica<strong>to</strong>rsaccording <strong>to</strong> the objective of promoting and en<strong>for</strong>cing the statistics resources existing inCambodia <strong>to</strong>day.1.2. What can gender indica<strong>to</strong>rs be used <strong>for</strong>?The definition and use of gender indica<strong>to</strong>rs plays a fundamental role <strong>to</strong> improve the ef<strong>for</strong>tworking <strong>to</strong>wards gender equality. On one hand, well-built indica<strong>to</strong>rs highlight the key aspectson which political and practical actions shall focus their attention with the support of objectiveand scientific evidences. In this meaning, indica<strong>to</strong>rs themselves cannot introduce changes ingender relations but can remark the aspects on which political actions should focus <strong>to</strong>increase equality; both, qualitative and quantitative indica<strong>to</strong>rs are useful and necessary <strong>for</strong>this purpose.They also are capable of showing the evolution of the processes and the impact of actions onthe social spectrum. To this regard, the systematic collection and analysis of data will providebetter basis <strong>for</strong> the design and planning of policies and strategies3 <strong>to</strong> stimulate social change.In the line of this last idea, gender indica<strong>to</strong>rs also have the capacity <strong>to</strong> evaluate the qualityand efficiency of the political actions designed <strong>to</strong> move <strong>to</strong>wards a more equitable, balancedand just society.Indica<strong>to</strong>rs can be used <strong>for</strong> holding institutions accountable <strong>for</strong> their commitments on genderequality. Gender indica<strong>to</strong>rs and relevant data can make visible the gaps between thecommitments many governments and other institutions have made at all levels – <strong>for</strong> exampleby ratification of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination AgainstWomen (CEDAW) – and their actual implementation and impact. They can also be used <strong>to</strong>hold policy-makers accountable <strong>for</strong> their actions, or lack of action.1.3. Selecting and using gender indica<strong>to</strong>rsThe aim of producing the indica<strong>to</strong>rs <strong>for</strong> each one of the selected sec<strong>to</strong>rs is <strong>to</strong> promote andfacilitate the integration of gender issues through a useful <strong>to</strong>ol <strong>to</strong> measure the achievemen<strong>to</strong>f gender equality. The proposed list of indica<strong>to</strong>rs by sec<strong>to</strong>rs are not exhaustive - obviously alarge number of indica<strong>to</strong>rs can be added <strong>to</strong> complete the study of each ambit - but the onescollected in the present document can be seen as the main ones, defining quite well theadvances in gender equity. We are quite sure that they can be refined, but they can be3 They’re also useful at program and project levels.

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