NoC design and optimization for Multi-core media processors

NoC design and optimization for Multi-core media processors

NoC design and optimization for Multi-core media processors


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CHAPTER 2. RELATED WORK 23framework quantifies power consumption of all the major units of the processor, parameterizethem, <strong>and</strong> integrate these power estimates into a high-level simulator. Wattchmodels main processor units into array structures, fully associative content-addressablememories,combinational logic <strong>and</strong> wires or clocking elements. Individual capacitancesof each of these elements are estimated <strong>and</strong> power is calculated. Work presented in [95]integrates Wattch into SimpleScalar architectural simulator[96].A tool like Ruby[97], allows one to simulate a complete distributed memory hierarchywith an on-chip network as in Orion. However, it needs to be augmented with a detailedinterconnect model which accounts <strong>for</strong> the physical area of the tiles <strong>and</strong> their placements.Network Processor exploration <strong>and</strong> power estimation tools utilize models <strong>for</strong> smallercomponents <strong>and</strong> quote the integrated power <strong>for</strong> the system[98][99][100]. They use cycleaccurate register, cache <strong>and</strong> arbiter models introduced previously here. NePSim[99] isan open-source integrated simulation infrastructure. Typical network <strong>processors</strong> can besimulated with the cycle accurate simulator inclusive in the framework. Testing <strong>and</strong>validation of results can be per<strong>for</strong>med by an automatic verification framework. NePSimcombines various power models from Xcacti[101], Wattch[95] <strong>and</strong> Orion[71] <strong>for</strong> differenthardware structures in NePSim. XCacti[101] is an enhanced version of Cacti 2.0 thatincludes power modeling <strong>for</strong> cache writes, misses, <strong>and</strong> writebacks. NePSim classifies thenetwork processor components into categories such as ALU <strong>and</strong> shifter, registers, caches,queues <strong>and</strong> arbiters. The processor’s power consumption can be calculated using a power<strong>and</strong> an estimation tool inbuilt into the framework.SapphireThe tile area <strong>optimization</strong> problem is closely knit with interconnect, cache <strong>and</strong> processorarchitecture exploration. There is a need <strong>for</strong> a co-<strong>design</strong> of interconnects, processingelements <strong>and</strong> memory blocks to fully optimize the overall multi-<strong>core</strong> chip per<strong>for</strong>mance.This necessitates a simulation framework which allows a co-simulation of processor <strong>core</strong>s,a detailed cache memory hierarchy, on-chip network, along with a low-level interconnectmodel.

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