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Download Report - UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre - United ...

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GlossaryAIDSAcquired Immuno-deficiency Syndromeis a physiological or medical conditionwhereby the body’s immune system isweakened by Human ImmunodeficiencyVirus (HIV) to the extentthat it is no longer able to defend itselfagainst attacks by ordinary (and other)ailments. A cure for AIDS has not beenfound, although research is underway fordeveloping an AIDS vaccine.AIDS-related deathsDeaths linked to AIDS-related diseasessuch as tuberculosis, pneumonia anddiarrhoea.AntenatalOccurring before birthAnti-retroviral DrugsSubstances used to kill or inhibit themultiplication of retroviruses such as HIV.CohortIn epidemiology, a group of individualswith some characteristics in common.Combination TherapyTwo or more drugs or treatments usedtogether to achieve optimum results.EndemicThe standard epidemiological definitionof the term endemic is the constantpresence of a disease in a given geographicarea or within a given population.EpidemicAn epidemic is the occurrence of a greaternumber of cases of a disease than wouldnormally be expected to occur in apopulation, community or region.EpidemiologyStudy of the occurrence, distribution anddetermining factors associated with healthevents and diseases in a population.Gross Domestic Product (GDP)The total output of goods and services forfinal use produced by a economy, by bothresidents and non-residents, regardless ofthe allocation to domestic and foreignclaims. It does not include deductions fordepreciation of physical capital ordepletion and degradation of naturalresources.Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)A composite index measuring averageachievement in the three basic dimensionsof empowerment: economic participationand decision-making, political participationand decision-making and power overeconomic resources.Highly Active Anti-retroviralTherapy (HAART)Treatment regimens that suppress viralreplication and progress of the HIV. Thesetreatment regimens have been shown toreduce the amount of virus so that itbecomes undetectable in the blood.xiv

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