Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

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MAZANEK, Prof. M., Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CzechTechnical University, Technicka 2, 166 27 PRAGUE 6,CZECH REPUBLIC, Tel. +420 224 352 282, Fax +420 233339 958, E-mail mazanekm@feld.cvut.cz (93)MAZZA, Ing. H.F., INTI, CC. 157, 1650 SAN MARTIN - B.A.,ARGENTINA, Tel. +54 1-753 4064, Fax +54 1-755 2102(91)McKENNA-LAWLOR, Prof. S., Dept. of Experimental Physics,St. Patrick’s College, Maynooth, CO. KILDARE, IRELAND,Tel. +351 1-6285 222 ext. 209, Fax +351 1-6289 277 (95)McKINNELL, Dr. L.A., Physics and Electronics, RhodesUniversity, P.O. Box 94 , 6140 GRAHAMSTOWN, SOUTHAFRICA, Tel. +27 46 603 84 50, Fax +27 46 622 50 49, E-maill.mckinnell@ru.ac.za (96)MENDES, Eng. M.L., ICP-ANACOM, Av. Josó Malhoa 12,1099-017 LISBOA, PORTUGAL, Tel. +351 21 721 2222,Fax +351 21 721 1006, E-mail ursi.por@anacom.pt (97)MITCHELL, Dr. C.N., Electronic and Electrical Engineering,University of Bath, Clavertown Down, BATH BA2 7AY,UNITED KINGDOM, Tel. +44 1225 82 66 10, Fax +44 122582 63 05, E-mail c.n.mitchell@bath.ac.uk (96)MITRA, Dr. A.P., Honorary Scientist of Eminence, NationalPhysical Laboratory, Dr. K.S. Krishnan Marg, NEW DELHI110012, INDIA, Tel. +91-11-25745298 25731792 (Office),Fax +91-11-25726938 / +91-11-25726952, E-mailapmitra@mail.nplindia.ernet.in (90,98)MNYATHELI, Ms. B., SA ICSU Secretariat, National ResearchFoundation, P.O. Box 2600, 0001 PRETORIA, SOUTHAFRICA, Tel. +27 12 481 4028, Fax +27 12 481 4007, E-mailbusiswa@nrf.ac.za (97)MOLCHANOV, Prof. O., Electromagnetics, Inst. of the EarthPhysics, Russian Academy of <strong>Science</strong>s, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya10, MOSCOW 123995, RUSSIA, Tel. +7 95 254 93 95, Fax+7 95 255 60 40, E-mail ol_molchanov@yahoo.com (96)MOLINET, Mr. F., 9, villa Pierre Loti, F-94240 L’HAY LESROSES, FRANCE, Tel. +33 1 46 60 74 14, Fax +33 1 46 6074 14, E-mail fredericmolinet@magic.fr (91)MOLISCH, Dr. A. F., Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, 201Broadway, CAMBRIDGE MA 02139, USA, Tel. +1 617 6217558, Fax +1 617 621 7550, E-mail Andreas.Molisch@ieee.org (90,92)MOND, Prof. M., Dept of Electrical and Computer Eng., BenGurion University, P.O. Box 653, 84105 BEER SHEVA,ISRAEL, Fax +972 7 6472990, E-mail mond@menix.bgu.ac.il (94)MORIKAWA, Mr. T., Applied Research and Standard Division,Communications Research Laboratory - Ministry of Postsand Telecommunications, 4-2-1 Nukui -kitamachi, koganei,TOKYO 184-8795, JAPAN, Tel. +81 42 327 7554, Fax +8142 327 6687, E-mail tak@nict.go.jp (91)MOSCATI, Prof. G., Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de S.Paulo, Cidade Universitaria, R. do Matao, trav. 187, 05508-900 S.Paulo, SP, BRAZIL, Tel. +55 11 3818 6771, E-mailmoscati@if.usp.br or moscati@uol.com.br (91)MRAVLAG, Dr. E., School of Pure and Applied Physics,University of Kwazula-Natal, 4041 DURBAN, SOUTHAFRICA, Tel. +27 31-260 1280, Fax +27 31-261 6550, E-mail mravlag@ukzn.ac.za (94)MROZIEWICZ, Prof. B., Institute of Electron Technology, Al.Lotnikow 32/46, 02-668 WARSZAWA, POLAND, Tel. +4822-843 78 10, Fax +48 22-847 06 31, E-mail bomro@ite.waw.pl (92)MURPHY, Prof. P., Dept. of Electrical Eng. & Microelectronics,National University of Ireland, CORK, IRELAND (91)MURSULA, Prof. K., Department of Physical <strong>Science</strong>s, Universityof Oulu, P.O. Box 3000, FIN-90014 OULU, FINLAND, Tel.+358-8-55<strong>313</strong>66, Fax +358-8-5531287, E-mailKalevi.Mursula@oulu.fi (94)NAGY, Dr. L., Broadband Infocommunication Systems,Budapest University of Technology, Goldmann Gyorgy ter 3,1111 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, Tel. +36 1 463 15 59, Fax+36 1 463 32 89, E-mail nagy@mht.bme.hu (97)NASIR, Dr. M., Electrical Metrology Section, National MetrologyCentre, Bldg. 8, SIRIM Bhd., P.O. Box 7035, 40911 ShahAlam, MALAYSIA, Tel. +60-3-556 7831, Fax +60-3-5567841, E-mail drmnasir@tm.net.my (91)NAUWELAERS, Prof. B.K.J.C., ESAT-TELEMIC, K.U. Leuven,Kasteelpark Arenberg 10, 3001 LEUVEN-HEVERLEE,BELGIUM, Tel. +32 16 32 11 14, Fax +32 16 32 19 86, E-mailBart.Nauwelaers@esat.kuleuven.be (97)NEMIROVSKY, Prof. Y., Dept. of Electrical Engineering,Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, 32000 HAIFA,ISRAEL, Tel. +972 4-829 3450, Fax +972 4-832 3041, E-mail nemirov@ee.technion.ac.il (92)NEVES, Prof. J.C. da Silva, Institute of Telecommunications,University of Aveiro - University Campus, 3810-193 AVEIRO,PORTUGAL, Tel. +351-23 437 0200, Fax +351-23 4383091, E-mail jneves@av.i.pt (93)NICKOLAENKO, Prof. A., Remote Sensing, Inst. for <strong>Radio</strong>-Physics and Electronics Nat. Acad. of <strong>Science</strong>s of the Ukraine,12 Acad. Proskura street, KHARKOV 61085, UKRAINE,Tel. +380 572 437 220, Fax +380 572 441 105, E-mailsasha@ire.kharkov.ua (96)NIKOLOVA, Ms. N., Dept. Elec. Comp. Engineering, ITB-A220, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street W.,HAMILTON ON L8S4K1, CANADA, Tel. +1 905 5259140x27141, Fax +1 905 5212922, E-mail talia@mcmaster.ca (92)NILSON, Mr. Mats, Dept. of Signals, Sensors & Systems, RoyalInstitute of Technology, SE-10044 STOCKHOLM,SWEDEN, Tel. +46 8-477 99 14, Fax +46 8-477 99 29, E-mailmats.nilson@abrandnewworld.se (92)NITSCH, Prof. J.B., Otto-von-Guericke-Universitaet, FakultaetElektrotechnik, Elektromagn. Vertraeglichkeit und Theor. E-Technik, Universitaetsplatz 2, D-39016 MAGDEBURG,GERMANY, Tel. +49 391 67 18387, Fax +49 391 67 12408,E-mail juergen.nitsch@e-technik.uni-magdeburg.de (96)NOEL, Prof. F., Depto de Astronomia, Universidad de Chile,Casilla 36-D, SANTIAGO, CHILE, Tel. +56 2-229 4002, Fax+56 2-229 4101, E-mail fnoel@das.uchile.cl (91)NOON, Dr. D.A., GroundProbe Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 3934, SOUTHBRISBANE, Queensland 4101, AUSTRALIA, Tel. +61 73010 8944, Fax +61 7 3010 8988, E-maildavid.noon@groundprobe.com (93)NORRIS, Prof. R.P., Australia Telescope National Facility, EppingLaboratories, P.O. Box 76, EPPING NSW 2121,AUSTRALIA, Tel. +61 2 9372 4416, Fax +61 2 9372 4310,E-mail ray.norris@csiro.au (95,98)NOVAK, Dr. J., Institute of Electrotechnik, Slovak Academy of<strong>Science</strong>s, Dubravska cesta 9, BRATISLAVA 842 39,SLOVAKIA, Tel. +421 2-54775806, Fax +421 2-54775816,E-mail eleknova@savba.sk (92)NUNN, Dr. D., Electronics and Computer <strong>Science</strong>, University ofSoutHampton, Highfield, SOUTHAMPTON SO17 1BJ,UNITED KINGDOM, Tel. +44 23 805 920 75, Fax +44 23805 944 98, E-mail dn@ecs.soton.ac.uk (90,94)NYGREN, Dr. T., Department of Physical <strong>Science</strong>s, Universityof Oulu, P.O. BOX 3000, FIN-90401 OULU, FINLAND, Tel.+358-8-55<strong>313</strong>68, Fax +358-8-5531287, E-mailtuomo.nygren@oulu.fi (94)108The<strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> No <strong>313</strong> (<strong>June</strong>, <strong>2005</strong>)

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