Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

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TURSKI, Prof. A., ul. Krochmalna 3 m 419, 00-864 WARSZAWA,POLAND, Tel. +48 22-826 1281 ext. 333, Fax +48 22-8269815, E-mail aturski@ippt.gov.pl (94)TZIOUMIS, Dr. A., CSIRO, Australia Telescope National Facility,PO Box 76, EPPING NSW 2121, AUSTRALIA, Tel. +61 29372 4350, Fax +61 2 9372 4310, E-mailTasso.Tzioumis@csiro.au, atzioumi@atnf.csiro.au (93,98)UNNI, Mr. S., EMS Technologies Sdn Bhd, , 5-2-2, Block B,Megan Corporate Park, Jalan 1-125E, Desa Petaling, 57100KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, E-mail unnis@tm.net.my(97)USLENGHI, Prof. P.L.E., Dept. of ECE (MC 154), University ofIllinois at Chicago, 851 S. Morgan Street, CHICAGO IL60607-7053, USA, Tel. +1 312 996-6059, Fax +1 312 9968664, E-mail uslenghi@uic.edu (90,96)UZUNOGLU, Prof. N.K., Division of Information TransmissionSystems and Material Technology, School of Electrical andComputer Eng., National Technical University of Athens,Iroon Polytechniou 9, GR-15773 ATHENS, GREECE, Tel.+30 210 7723556, Fax +30 210 7723557 E-mailnuzu@cc.ece.ntua.gr (95)VALKEAPÄÄ, Mr. T., TUKES, P.O. Box 123, 00181HELSINKI, FINLAND, Tel. +358 9 6176241, E-mailtuomo.valkeapaa@tukes.fi (91)VALLEE, Dr. J.P., National Research Council of Canada, HerzbergInstitute of Astrophysics, 5071 West Saanich Rd., VICTORIABC V9E 2E7, CANADA, Tel. +1 250 363-6952, Fax +1 250363-0045, E-mail jacques.vallee@nrc.gc.ca (97)VAN ARDENNE, Ir. A., Stichting ASTRON, P.O. Box 2, NL-7990 AA DWINGELOO, NETHERLANDS, Tel. +31 521595 134, Fax +31 521 597 332, E-mail Ardenne@astron.nl (95,97)VAN BLADEL, Prof. J., G. De Smetlaan 22, B-9831 DEURLE,BELGIUM, Tel. +32 9-282 4488, Fax +32 9-264 4288, E-mail ursi@intec.ugent.be (90)VAN DEN BERG, Prof. dr. ir. P.M., Lab of Acoustical Imagingand Sound Control, Delft University of Technology, Facultyof Applied <strong>Science</strong>s, Lorentzweg 1, NL-2628 CJ DELFT,NETHERLANDS, Tel. +31 15-278 6254, Fax +31 15-2625403, E-mail p.m.vandenberg@tnw.tudelft.nl (91)VAN DEN BOGAART, Ir. F.L.M., FEL/TNO, Postbus 96864,2509 JG ‘S-GRAVENHAGE, NETHERLANDS, Tel. +3170 374 0042, E-mail vandenbogaart@fel.tno.nl (92)VAN DEURSEN, DR. A.P.J., Faculteit Electrotechniek,Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, PO Box 513, NL-5600MB EINDHOVEN, NETHERLANDS, Tel. +31 40 247 4434/3993, E-mail A.P.J.v.Deursen@tue.nl (93)VAN DRIEL, Dr. W., GEPI, Observatoire Paris, 5, Place JulesJanssen, F-92195 MEUDON CEDEX, FRANCE, Tel. +33 14507 7731, Fax +33 1 4507 7709, E-mailwim.vandriel@obspm.fr (96,98)VAN LIL, Prof. E., DIV. ESAT-TELEMIC, K.U.L., KasteelparkArenberg 10, B-3001 HEVERLEE, BELGIUM, Tel. +32 16-32 1113, Fax +32 16-32 1986, E-mailEmmanuel.VanLil@esat.kuleuven.be (91)VANDENBOSCH, Prof. G.A.E., ESAT, Katholieke UniversiteitLeuven, Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 , 3001 LEUVEN,BELGIUM, Tel. +32 16 32 11 10, Fax +32 16 32 19 86, E-mailGuy.Vandenbosch@esat.kuleuven.be (93)VANDENDORPE, Prof. L., UCL, TELE, Bâtiment Stévin, Placedu Levant, 2, B-1348 LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE, BELGIUM,Tel. + 32 10-47 23 12, Fax + 32 10-47 20 89, E-mailVandendorpe@tele.ucl.ac.be (92)VARJU, Dr. G., Department of Electric Power Systems, BME -Technical University of Budapest, , H-1521 BUDAPEST,HUNGARY, Tel. +36 1-463 3016, Fax +36 1-463 3013, E-mail varju@vmt.bme.hu (93)VAUGHAN, Dr. R., Industrial Research Limited, P.O. Box 31-310, LOWER HUTT, NEW ZEALAND, Tel. +64 4 5690782, Fax +64 4 569 0754, E-mail R. Vaughan@irl.cri.nz(91)VELINOV, Prof. , Solar-Terrestrial Influences Laboratory,Bulgarian Academy of <strong>Science</strong>s, Acad. G. Bonchev Street 3,1113 SOFIA, BULGARIA, Tel. +359 2 979 3434, Fax , E-mail pvelinov@bas.bg (95)VENDIK, Prof. O.G., Department of Electronics, ElectrotechnicalUniversity, , 197376 ST-PETERSBURG, RUSSIA, Tel. +7812 234 9983, Fax +7 812 346 0867, E-mailOGVendik@mail.eltech.ru (92)VERGERES, Mr. D., Chef de section, Office Fédéral de laCommunication, Gestion des fréquences radio, Rue de l’Avenir44, 2501 BIENNE, SWITZERLAND, Tel. +41 32 327 57 20,Fax +41 32 327 57 77, E-mail daniel.vergeres@bakom.admin.ch (93)VESZELY, Dr. G., Department of Electromagnetic Theory, BME- Technical University of Budapest, H-1521 BUDAPEST,HUNGARY, Tel. +36 1-463-2812, Fax , E-mailveszely@evtsz.bme.hu (91)VEYRET, Dr. B., Laboratoire PIOM CNRS / EPHE, Universitéde Bordeaux 1, ENSCPB, Av. Pey Berland, F-33607 PESSACCEDEX, FRANCE, Tel. +33 5 40 00 66 29, Fax +33 5 40 0066 29, E-mail b.veyret@enscpb.fr (98)VILCAHUAMAN, Prof. L., Seccion Electricidad y Electricidad,Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Av. Universitaria1800, San Miguel, LIMA 32, PERU, Tel. +51 1-460 2870 int.196, Fax +51 1-461 8253, E-mail lvilcah@pucp.edu.pe (95)VILJANEN, Dr. A., Finnish Metereological Institute, Departmentof Geophysics, P.O. Box 503, FIN - 00101 HELSINKI,FINLAND, Tel. +358 9 1929 4668, Fax +358 9 1929 4603, E-mail Ari.Viljanen@fmi.fi (93,96)VILLANUEVA, Prof. L., Instituto Geofisico del Peru, Apartado3747, LIMA 100, PERU, Tel. +51 1-436 1683, Fax +51 1-4368437, E-mail lvilla@axil.igp.gob.pe (93)VILLAR GOMEZ, Dr. R., Consejo Superior de InvestigacionesCientificas, Instituto de Fisica Aplicada, Dpto. RadiacionElectromagnetica, Serrano 44, 28006 MADRID, SPAIN, Tel.+34 91 562 5083, Fax +34 91 562 5083, E-mailvillar@iec.csic.es (97)VOLAKIS, Prof. J.L., Radiation Laboratory, EECSDepartment, University of Michigan, 1301 Beal Ave, ANNARBOR MI 48109-2122, USA, Tel. +734 764-1797, Fax+734 647-2106, E-mail volakis@umich.edu (98)VOMVORIDIS, Prof. I., School of Electrical & Computer Eng.,National Technical University of Athens, Iroon Polytechniou9, GR-15773 ATHENS, GREECE, Tel. +30 210 7723684,Fax +30 210 7723513, E-mail vomvor@central.ntua.gr (94)VRBA, Prof. J., Faculty of Electrical Eng., Czech TechnicalUniversity, Technicka 2, 166 27 PRAGUE 6, CZECHREPUBLIC, Tel. +420 224 352 298, Fax +420 233 339 958,E-mail vrba@feld.cvut.cz (95)WALDE, Mr. C.-H., Tornvägen 7, S-183 52 TABY,SWEDEN, Tel. +46 70 591 60 61, Fax +46 8 756 53 19, E-mailinfo@walde.se (97)The<strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> No <strong>313</strong> (<strong>June</strong>, <strong>2005</strong>) 113

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