Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

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EMC <strong>2005</strong>THE VI TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ELECTROMAGNETICCOMPATIBILITY AND ELECTROMAGNETIC ECOLOGYSt - Petersburg, Russia, 21 - 24 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2005</strong>The VI th International Symposium on ElectromagneticCompatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology (EMC-<strong>2005</strong>)was held from 21 to 24 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2005</strong> at the St - Peterburg StateElectrotechnical University “LETI”, Russia. The meetingwas attended by 152 participants (103 Russian and 49foreign scientists) from 21 countries.As in the preceeding years, the Symposium wassponsored by the Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers (IEEE), the IEEE Electromagnetic CompatibilitySociety (EMS-society), the International Union of <strong>Radio</strong><strong>Science</strong> (<strong>URSI</strong>) and the Research-and-production Enterprise“Proryv” (official Partner of the Symposium) and has beenjointly organized by the St - Petersburg State University“LETI”, the St - Petersburg Scientific and Technical Societyof <strong>Radio</strong> Engineering, Electronics and Communication(named after A.S.Popov), the Leningrad <strong>Radio</strong> Researchand Development Institute and Discone-Centre Ltd., inCooperation with the Federal Agency for Education, theMinistry of Information Technologies and Communicationsof the Russian Federation, the Russian Academy of <strong>Science</strong>s,the Users Association of Natural <strong>Radio</strong>-Frequency, theResource-National <strong>Radio</strong>association, the St-Petersburg StatePolytechnical University, the St- Petersburg State Universityof Telecommunications (named after M.A. Bonch-Bruevich), the St-Petersburg State Maritime TechnicalUniversity, the Moscow Technical University ofCommunication and Information <strong>Science</strong>, the<strong>Radio</strong>frequency Centre of the North-West Federal District,the Research Institute of <strong>Radio</strong>, the Research Institute ofPulse Engineering, the Research Test Centre for EMC, theResearch-and-production Enterprise “Proryv”, the KedahElectronics Engineering, the IEEE Russian (North-West)Section, the Russian Branch of IEEE “Engineeringmanagementand the Elemcom Ltd.Prof. M. Ianoz acted as Symposium Vice-President.The Technical Program Committee was chaired by Prof.N.Korovkin from the St-Petersburg State PolytechnicalUniversity and the Scientific Secretary of the Symposiumconsisted of Dr. S. Shostakovich, General Director ofDiscone-Centre Ltd., Dr. P. Asovich and Dr. V. Gutin.A number of international and national professionalorganizations (e.g. IEEE, EMC-society, and <strong>URSI</strong>)cooperated at the EMC <strong>2005</strong> meeting. As in the past <strong>URSI</strong>Commissions E sponsored 15 students from Russia andforeign countries.A total of 174 carefully selected technical papers werepresented in 10 sessions devoted to: EMC of ElectricalPower Equipment, Spectrum Management and Monitoring,Biological Effects of electromagnetic (EM) Field, NaturalEM Radiations, Sources and Influence, Antennas andPropagation, EMC Related to PCB’s and ElectronicComponents, EMC Monitoring Measurements,Certification, Test Equipment, Electromagnetic Interactionand Shielding, <strong>Radio</strong> Electronic Equipment design withregard to EMC, EMC in <strong>Radio</strong> Communication Systems,and Workshop “Shipbord EMC”. The full text of thepresentations has been made available in the symposiumproceedings and on a CD-ROM.The emphasis of the Symposium was on the field of EMCMonitoring, active diagnostics, measurements, certificationand biological effects of Electromagnetic Fields, anestimation of the influence of external ElectromagneticFields on the measuring accuracy, a design of measuringdevices and an immunity test simulationfor conductiveinterferences.The EMC Symposium was introduced by threelectures, devoted to the latest achievements of science andengineering. Especially, the lectures from Prof. M.Ianozand Prof. M.Korovkin, “Progress in the PLC developmentduring the years 2003-2004” and from Prof. Yu.G.Grigoryev“Electromagnetic fields of mobile radio communicationand hazard estimation for the Population” were a greatsuccess.As usual, the Technical Exhibition has significantlycontributed to the success of the VI-th InternationalSymposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility andElectromagnetic Ecology (EMC-<strong>2005</strong>) by demonstratingthe fast conversion of theoretical knowledge into state-oftheart hardware and software.The traditional inquiry returned some very interestingsuggestions for the next EMC-2007, which is planned for<strong>June</strong>, 2007 and will be held in St-Petersburg. The call forpapers of the VII-th International Symposium onElectromagnetic Compatibility and ElectromagneticEcology and Technical Exhibition on EMC is scheduled forMarch, 2007.In the Autumn of 2006 St-Peterburg StateElectrotechnical University “LETI” celebrates his 120thanniversary ! The EMC - 2007 will be one of the severalevents under the umbrella of this anniversary.Professor V. Larkinalarkina@izmiran.ru80The<strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> No <strong>313</strong> (<strong>June</strong>, <strong>2005</strong>)

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