Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

Radio Science Bulletin 313 - June 2005 - URSI

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Triennial Reports CommissionsCOMMISSION AThis triennium report was prepared by Dr. Q. Balzano,Commission A Chair 2002-<strong>2005</strong>.In the triennium 2003-<strong>2005</strong> Commission A has beenactive in support of the Scientific Committee onTelecommunications (SCT), of the Solar Power SatelliteProject and in preparing the sessions of the <strong>2005</strong> GeneralAssembly in New Delhi.In addition to session KA, session KE was giventechnical support.Specific suggestions to the STC regarded thepossibility of unexpected interference phenomena due tothe proliferation of electronic devices for communicationand health maintenance. The support for the SPS programconsisted in preparing a sufficiently detailed test programfor the large antenna of the SPS.A substantial effort was dedicated to inviting two topexperts in Ultra Wide Band (UWB) Technology to give ageneral lecture and a paper on UWB signaling at the <strong>2005</strong>GA. Profs.H. Bertoni ( N.Y. Poly), W. Stark (U.of Michigan),Broderson ( Berkley) and Milstein (USC) were contactedand invited to New Delhi. Not one of these distinguishedscientists was available.Liaisons were maintained with Commission K, byattending the meetings organized by Commission K at theBEMS Symposia of 2004 and <strong>2005</strong>.The <strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong>Two papers are in preparation for the <strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Science</strong><strong>Bulletin</strong>:I. I. Smolyaninov, Q. Balzano, C. Davis “ A Review ofPlasmon Polariton Excitation in Doubly Periodic Arrayof Holes”II. K. Foster and Q. Balzano” A New Analytical Methodfor the Computation of SAR from Coated Wire Antennasimmersed in Tissue”.Sponsored Scientific MeetingsThe following meetings were sponsored byCommission A:1) JINA 2002, Nice, France 12-14 November 20022) EMC Zurich 2003, Zurich, Switzerland 18-20 February20033) Telecom 2003&JFMMA, Marrakech, Morocco 15-17October 20034) WARS04 (Workshop on Application of <strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Science</strong>)Conference 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 18-20February 20045) International NIR Workshop and Symposium, ICNIR,<strong>URSI</strong>(K)/ WHO Symposium, Seville, Spain, 20-24May 20046) EMC Wroclaw 2004, Wroclaw, Poland, 29 <strong>June</strong>- 1 July20047) AP-RASC 04: 2004 Asia-Pacific <strong>Radio</strong> Conference,Beijing, China,20-23 August 20048) Radar 2004, Toulouse, France, 19-21 February <strong>2005</strong>9) EMC Zurich, <strong>2005</strong>, Zurich, Switzerland 15-17 February<strong>2005</strong>10)VI International Symposium on ElectromagneticCompatibility and Electromagnetic Ecology, St.Petersburg, Russia, 21-24 <strong>June</strong>, <strong>2005</strong>11)International Workshop on Electromagnetic Fields atthe Workplace, Warsaw, Poland, 5-7 September <strong>2005</strong>.BudgetOne third of the budget was expended in the supportof meeting and symposia.The rest was kept in reserve to fund the attendance oftwo speakers on UWB at the GA <strong>2005</strong> in New Delhi.COMMISSION BThis triennium report was prepared by Professor M. Ando,Commission B Chair 2002-<strong>2005</strong>.IntroductionThe officers of Commission B during the triennium2002 - <strong>2005</strong> have been Prof. Makoto Ando, Japan, Chair,and Prof. Lot Shafai, Canada, Vice-Chair. Immediate PastChair has been Prof. Staffan Ström. The Chair, Vice-Chairand Immediate Past Chair have formed “ the CommissionB Executive Committee “, in which important CommissionB matters have been discussed. In addition, for election ofthe next Commission vice-chair, “the Commission B SearchCommittee(CBSC)” formed by the current Chair, twoimmediate Past Chairs. makes sure that enough candidatesare being nominated. One more important organization“the Commission B Technical Advisory Board (B-TAB)”established in 2002 has worked actively for the technicalprogram in 2004 Commission B EMT-Symposium in PisaThe<strong>Radio</strong> <strong>Science</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong> No <strong>313</strong> (<strong>June</strong>, <strong>2005</strong>) 49

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