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2.8.3 Headings: The titles and headings of Sections and Paragraphs of this License, asherein set forth, have been inserted for the sake of convenience only, and are not to betaken, deemed or construed to be any part of the terms, covenants or conditions of thisLicense, or to control, limit or modify any of the terms, covenants or conditions hereof.2.8.4 Time of Essence: Time is of the essence of this License. Failure to comply withany requirement, including but not limited to any time requirement, of this License shallconstitute a material breach of this License.2.8.5 Construction and Amendment: This License shall be construed, interpreted,governed and enforced in all respects according to the laws of the State of California andas if drafted by both OCWD and Licensee. No amendment, change or modification ofthis document shall be valid unless in writing, stating that it amends, changes or modifiesthis License, and signed by all of the parties hereto.2.8.6 Successors: Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 2.6.3 above, this License, andall of the terms, conditions and provisions herein, shall inure to the benefit of, and bebinding upon, OCWD, Licensee, and their respective successors and assigns.2.8.7 Re-Entry: No entry or re-entry into the Premises by OCWD shall be construed asan election to terminate this License, unless prior thereto or concurrently therewithwritten notice of intent to terminate is given by OCWD to Licensee. OCWD's entry intopossession of the Premises without having elected to terminate shall not prevent OCWDfrom making such an election and giving Licensee notice thereof.2.8.8 Partial Invalidity: If any term, covenant, condition or provision of this License isheld by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, illegal, or unenforceable, theremainder of the provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall in noway affect, impair, or invalidate any other term, covenant, condition or provisioncontained in this License.2.8.9 Further Assurances: Each of the parties hereto shall execute and deliver any andall additional papers, documents and other assurances and shall do any and all acts andthings reasonably necessary in connection with the performance of their obligationshereunder and to carry out the intent of the parties hereto.2.8.10 Precedence: In the event of any conflict between Parts of this License, Part Ishall prevail over Parts II, III and IV, and Part III shall prevail over Part II.[END GENERAL LICENSE PROVISIONS]-15-

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