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RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT - STATE HIGHWAY (Cont.)RW 8-3 (Rev. 6/95)Document No. 102794Page 2 of 3(D)In addition to the Fair Market Value, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto that the amount in clause2A above includes the sum of $80,100.00 as an incentive to the grantor for the timely signing of this Right ofWay Contract. This incentive payment offer expires sixty (60) days from the Initiation of Negotiations(February 13, 2013).3. Permission is hereby granted to State or its authorized agent to enter upon grantor land where necessary within thatcertain area shown outlined on the map attached hereto and made a part hereof, for the purpose of adding theproposed auxiliary lane approaching the Tustin Avenue exit.It is further understood that the Grantor grants the State or its authorized agent permission to enter upon Grantor’sremaining land, where necessary, to install and remove temporary fencing.4. It is agreed and confirmed by the parties hereto that notwithstanding other provisions in this contract, the rightof possession and use of the subject property by the State, including the right to remove and dispose ofimprovements, if any, shall commence on April 30, 2013 or the close of this escrow controlling thistransaction, whichever occurs first, and that the amount shown in clause 2(A) herein includes, but is notlimited to, full payment for such possession and use, including damages, if any, from said date.5. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto, that payment in Clause 2(A) above includes, butis not limited to, payment for the following items, which are considered to be part of the property and are beingacquired by the State in this transaction: 15,000 SF of landscaping (small to large mature tree growth accentedas buffer to perimeter and slope, includes irrigation commensurate to area).6. In consideration of the State’s waiving the defects and imperfections in the record title, the undersignedGrantor covenants and agrees to indemnify and hold the State of California harmless from any and all claimsthat other parties may make or assert on the title to the premises. The Grantor’s obligation herein to indemnifythe State shall not exceed the amount paid to the Grantor under this contract.7. State agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Grantor from any liability arising out of State’s operationsunder this agreement. State further agrees to assume responsibility for any damages proximately caused byreason of State’s operations under this agreement and State, will, at its option, either repair or pay for suchdamage.8. Escrow will be handled through an internal escrow with the Department of Transportation, 3347 MichelsonDrive, Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92612-8894. The title report number is 210-1201236-20.9. All work done under this agreement shall conform to all applicable building, fire and sanitary laws, ordinances,and regulations relating to such work, and shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner. All structures,improvements or other facilities, when removed, and relocated, or reconstructed by the State, shall be left in asgood condition as found.

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