z/OS V1R9.0 TSO/E Command Reference

z/OS V1R9.0 TSO/E Command Reference

z/OS V1R9.0 TSO/E Command Reference


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ALLOCATE <strong>Command</strong>The operands BLOCK, BLKSIZE, AVBLOCK, TRACKS, and CYLINDERS canbe specified for SYSOUT, NEW, or MOD data sets. The operands BLOCK orBLKSIZE can also be specified for dummy or terminal data sets.DIR(integer)specifies the number of 256 byte records that are to be allocated for thedirectory of a new partitioned data set. This operand must be specified if youare allocating a new partitioned data set. Generally it is not useful for a PDSE.ALTFILE(name)specifies the name associated with the SYSIN subsystem data set that is to beallocated. It can contain up to 8 characters. This operand is used primarily inthe background.DEST({destination | destination.user_id})specifies a specific remote workstation or a user at a specific remoteworkstation to which SYSOUT data sets are directed upon deallocation. Specify1 to 8 characters for either the destination or the user ID.REUSEspecifies the file name being allocated is to be freed and reallocated if it iscurrently in use.When you allocate a data set with file name or ddname, give it a disposition ofSHR or OLD. You cannot use the REUSE operand to reallocate a file from adisposition of OLD to a disposition of SHR. However, you can first free the filewith a disposition of OLD, then reallocate it with a disposition of SHR.HOLD | NOHOLDHOLDspecifies the data set is to be placed on a HOLD queue upon deallocation.NOHOLDspecifies processing of the output should be determined by theHOLD/NOHOLD specification associated with the particular SYSOUT classspecified. However, the specification associated with the SYSOUT classcan be overridden by using the NOHOLD operand on the FREE command.UNIT(type)specifies the type of the unit to which a file or data set is to be allocated. Youcan specify an installation-defined group name, a generic device type, or aspecific device number.Since MVS/ESA SP 5.1 device numbers can be up to four digits long forincreased addressability of I/O devices. If the string representing a devicenumber is longer than three hexadecimal characters (for example, X'1ABC' orX'3390'), it must be preceded by a slash (/). A device number may be precededby a slash even if it less than four characters long.This distinguishes numeric-only device numbers from generic device types thatcontain only four-character numerics.If volume information is not supplied (volume and unit information is retrievedfrom a catalog), the unit type that is coded overrides the unit type from thecatalog.If the data set is managed by SMS, the UNIT operand is not suggested. Thesystem determines the UNIT and VOLUME from the storage class associatedwith the data set. If the storage administrator has set up a default unit typeunder SMS regardless of whether the data set is SMS-managed, you do nothave to specify UNIT.30 z/<strong>OS</strong> <strong>V1R9.0</strong> <strong>TSO</strong>/E <strong>Command</strong> <strong>Reference</strong>

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