Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK


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Non pre-issued case studies●●●●●●●EXAMINATION TECHNIQUE (10)Many examination boards use case studies for their examinationpapers but these are not issued before the examination. Sometimesthey are printed on a separate sheet from the examination paper.Other examination papers provide the stimulus of a case study andthen ask a few questions followed by more of the same or adifferent case study. Whichever system your examination boarduses, follow the instructions as given by the examiner. Always readthe case study before you try to answer any questions.Follow the precise instructions given before answering the questions. Forexample, ‘Read and use Data A to answer the following questions’ meansthat you need to use the information in Data A of the case study andthat it may well contain some hints to help you answer the question.If you are just given a case study with questions that follow, readthrough the whole case study to ensure that you understand it beforeanswering any of the questions. Highlight key points in the case study.Some of the examination questions will require you to selectinformation from the case study to answer the question. For otherquestions the case study may contain helpful clues.Make sure that you answer each question in context. Use the nameof the business in your answer. Make sure that you use the contextcorrectly. For example, if the business is a sole trader, check that youranswer is applicable to a sole trader and not a limited company. Forinstance check that you have not suggested that he gets moreshareholders to raise finance, when he would not have any.Maps or plans may be included in the case study to point you tospecific problems or solutions. Use them – they are there for a purpose.In some examination papers information may be presented that isdeliberately useless for you to spot and to criticise. For example,you may be told that a businessman has done a survey of tenpeople and proposes to base his business on this research. Do notbe afraid to criticise the information you have been given.101

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