Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK


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EXAMINATION TECHNIQUE (2)Coursework issues●●Coursework accounts for 25% of the marks for most specificationsand, if you are doing it, it is worth trying to maximise your marks.By the time you are using this revision guide, hopefully you will havecompleted most of your coursework, but there are still severalpoints that you can check.Coursework has the same assessment objectives as describedpreviously. Check your coursework for the following:■ You have used several methods of obtaining information and saidwhat they are, for example, interviews and conductingquestionnaires. These should be properly carried out and in thecase of questionnaires, you should have asked enough people.■ You have selected and used information from several sources thatyou name. Don’t just print out information and stick it in your folder– it must be used. If you use information from the Internet import itinto a word processing file, making sure you say where it came fromand how it helps you. If it is too late for you to do this now, write onyour printouts where they are from and what they are for.■ You have used business terms and concepts in your coursework.Don’t just rewrite chunks from a text book. In many cases it isbetter to personalise statements, for example‘If my business was a sole trader I would be able to make my owndecisions...’rather than‘A sole trader makes his own decisions...’■ You have discussed advantages and disadvantages and madeconclusions throughout your work, not just at the end.■ Check your quality of written communication. Correct any spellingmistakes and check for any grammatical errors.93

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