Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK


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MARKETING MIX (6)Other methods of promotion●●●Customer relations involves:■ customer care, making sure that the customer is treated correctlyat all times■ handling complaints quickly■ allowing goods to be exchanged if the customer has a change of mind.These all help a business to build a good reputation and encouragerepeat business.Sponsorship is an increasinglypopular method of promotionand includes sponsorship oftelevision programmes such asthe weather forecast. It can bevery effective but veryexpensive. It is also popularfor businesses to have dealswith football teams and othersporting activities.Samples are sometimes givenaway inside supermarkets andcan be an effective way toencourage consumers to trya new product. They can alsobe delivered to homes andsome types of product canbe included in magazines.Individual samples may beexpensive to hand out or haveto be specifically produced.The name of the football team’s sponsorfeatures clearly on their shirts.62

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