Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK


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QUALITY CONTROL (2)Traditional methods of managing quality●●Quality control is a traditional method of checking goods to ensurethat the desired quality is produced. There may be a person whosespecific job is to check finished goods to ensure that they meet therequired standard.As an example of traditional quality control, suppose the product is aCD. The quality controller might have a list of points to check such as:■ the CD case must be scratch free■ the insert correctly folded and not creased■ the CD printed correctly, etc.One in every 1000 CDs may be played and checked for sound quality.●●Traditional quality controllers can also check the raw materials andthe goods at the end of each stage of production. This system isknown as quality assurance.Faults found, either at the end of the whole manufacturing process or atthe end of a stage in the process, can be expensive because the wholebatch can be wasted. In some instances, the products can be re-madeso the waste is mainly in the time used but this is not always the case.Modern methods of managing quality●Statistical process control is a method whereby the machineoperators take some responsibility for checking the quality of thegoods they produce by checking their machines at regular intervals.By not leaving all the checking to the end of the process less wasteis produced. Also costs are reduced because fewer specialist qualitycontrollers are employed.78

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