Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK


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MOTIVATION (3)Herzberg●●Herzberg identified things that motivated people as: doing a jobwell, being shown trust, being given responsibility, appreciationand promotion.He identified hygiene factors – things that made employeesdemotivated if they were not present at work, but which did not,themselves, increase motivation. These included pay and goodworking conditions. Demotivated means made to work less hard.Herzberg believed that if you increased pay you did not necessarilyincrease motivation but poor pay would make workers demotivated.McGregor●●●McGregor studied the way that employers and employees thoughtof work. Some people believed in theory X and some in theory Y. Hethought that managers who believed in theory Y would have bettermotivatedworkers.If you believed in theory X you would think that workers:■ dislike work so do as little as possible■ only work for the pay■ need to be told exactly what to do and not given any decisionsto make■ will resist any changes the employer wishes to make■ cannot be trusted or relied upon.If you believed in theory Y you would think that workers:■ like their work■ are motivated by rewards other than money■ will work independently and enjoy making decisions■ will enjoy being part of changes taking place■ are trustworthy and reliable.22

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