Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK

Business Studies Collins Revision Guide. - StudyGuide.PK


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PRODUCTION METHODS (3)Batch production●In batch production a set number of one product is made beforeproduction is stopped and another set of products is made. Oftenone process is completed at a time before the product moves ontothe next part of the process. An example is the making of breadrolls, where a quantity of dough is made. It is then left to rise, afterthis it is shaped into rolls and again left to rise. The rolls are thenbaked and cooled.●●●Other examples of batch production are books, clothing and jam.The advantages of batch production over job production are thatcosts per unit may be less as less labour is used and production canbe quicker. It is more likely that specialised machinery can be used.Disadvantages of batch production are that goods may need to bestored so this increases costs. Also tasks become more routine andtherefore workers may be less motivated than in job production.71

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