IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security - CGISecurity

IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security - CGISecurity

IBM WebSphere V5.0 Security - CGISecurity

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MIIDQDCCAqmgAwIBAgICAQUwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAwTjELMAkGA1UEBhMCSlAxETAPBgNVBAgT...Ss47F4D6woPsAd2ubg/YhMaXLTSyGxPdV3VqQsutuSgDUDoqWCA=Mon Jul 15 10:56:05 EDT 200299800Another way to look at these details is to check the log files. Under itsobankWebproject -> Web Content -> log the SOAPVHH-all-sv.log file contains all the logentries of the SOAP requests with certificates that come to the server; theSOAPVHH-all-cl.log contains the SOAP responses. SOAPVHH-fail-cl.log andSOAPVHH-fail-sv.log contain all the failed requests and responses.7.1.2 HTTP Basic AuthenticationThe following sections will explain how to enable security in <strong>WebSphere</strong>Application Server V5 using the Administrative Console.HTTP Basic AuthenticationThe following steps show how to secure the rpcrouter servlet in the enterpriseapplication and use Basic Authentication for authentication purposes.1. In <strong>WebSphere</strong> Studio, go to the Server perspective.2. In the Server Configuration, expand the Server Configurations anddouble-click the ITSOBank server. This opens the server configurationwindow.Chapter 7. Securing Enterprise Integration components 143

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